Imamzadeh Ghasem Zarghan

One of the dimensions of religion that is common to most definitions of religion is rituals. Pilgrimage is also a monk that exists in many religions. As it can be said: Belief in pilgrimage to holy places is one of the rituals and rituals that exist in all religions, so that it is impossible to imagine the existence of religions without holy places. Although "pilgrimage" originally means to intend and meet, but in the literal sense, meeting people and visiting places that are considered by pilgrims to be respected, honored, superior and extraordinary. These issues have created a type of travel that is called pilgrimage or religious travel and is common among many people. Since there are countless Imams in Iran, it is much more common in this type of travel and can be seen among all walks of life.Buy bus tickets to this area and visit the shrine.

Ways to access the Imamzadeh

In order to be able to visit this shrine, you have to go to the city of Zarghan . Once you reach the city, you can easily go to this place because it is located at the entrance of the city and is easily accessible. You can also use a personal car and taxi to get there.
