

On June 23 Wed 2021, we had Home economics for two hours straight, and one of the boys in my class grumbled,'Why do boys need to learn to sew? Sewing is for girls!' I instantly thought that it was so very stereotypical I muttered something under my breath about boys and stereotypes, and he immediately said,'What are stereotypes?' I muttered a bit more about boys being so annoying. And that was the end of the conversation with him.
What disturbed me was that the boys thought that they didn't need to learn how to sew. Male fashion designers outnumber females, according to this article → https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/fashion-week/less-femaleSo, stereotypes can be misgiving. I think that stereotypes are a huge issue, whether you live in Japan or the US. For example, in the US, blond teenage girls are stereotyped as giggly and dumb, while they may be clever in reality. Like in'Legally Blond.' I believe that stereotyping can hurt people's chances or make one group look better than another group, forming conditions unfair. For example, women are stereotyped as doing housework meekly as opposed to men working and making orders. Think this is where the stereotyping of the boy came from. As for other stereotypes, such as; only men and women can marry; people cannot have children when unmarried; dogs hate cats; women are obsessed with clothes; all doctors are men; teachers are men men are more superior than women; men are more educated than women, etc.
The definition of a stereotype is

"a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong."

According to this article. Https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/stereotype.

It is defined;

It is defined; "A Stereotype Is A Fixed, Over Generalized Belief About A Particular Group Or Class Of People. By Stereotyping, We Infer That A Person Has A Whole Range Of Characteristics And Abilities That We Assume All Members Of That Group Have. For Example, A'Hells angel'biker dresses in leather. " 

According to https://www.simplypsychology.org/katz-braly.html
