
Bleeding gums and Dental caries

1. bleeding gums Gingivitis
Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum line and surrounding tissues. It is caused by bacteria and plaque build-up. Plaque is a sticky film of food particles and bacteria forming on teeth and the gum line. When plaque hardens, it becomes tartar. Tartar is a hardened substance composed of dead cells, bacteria, and food debris. If left untreated, it causes periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a condition where the gums become inflamed and bleed easily.
2. Dental caries
Dental caries is the decay of tooth enamel. Enamel is the outer layer of a tooth that covers the dentin. It is the hardest substance in the body. Decay occurs when bacteria eat away at the surface of the enamel. Bacteria produce acid that dissolves the enamel. Once the enamel is gone, the underlying dentin is exposed. Dentinal tubules connect the root canal system to the outside environment. These tubes allow fluids to flow between the inside and outside of the tooth. As the enamel decays, these tubes get clogged. This prevents fluid from flowing out of the tooth and creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth.
3. Trench Mouth
A trench mouth is a painful oral infection that affects the soft tissues around the lips and tongue. It is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria cause swelling and redness of the mucous membranes. It is characterized by sores and ulcers on the inside of the cheeks, lips, and tongue.
Oral cancer and Gum recession
Oral cancer
Oral cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the mouth. It may begin as a sore or lump under the skin or in the lining of the mouth. It may spread to nearby lymph nodes or even the neck. Symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, difficulty swallowing, and changes in taste. Early detection is critical to successful treatment.
 Gum recession
Gum recession is the loss of gum tissue due to pressure from the roots of the teeth. It is often seen in people who have had orthodontics (braces) or periodontal disease. Gum recession is not considered a serious problem unless it interferes with speech or chewing.
Tooth abscesses
Tooth abscesses occur when an infected area of the jawbone develops pus. Pus collects in pockets formed by the roots of the teeth and spreads throughout the jawbone. A tooth abscess can be painful and difficult to treat. Untreated tooth abscesses can lead to tooth loss.
 Periapical abscess
A periapical abscess is an infection of the bone surrounding the apex of a tooth. It is usually caused by dental procedures such as root canal therapy or extractions. Painful swelling and fever are symptoms of a periapical abscess.
