【Minecraft】CoreTweaks コンフィグの日本語訳(最終更新日 2024年2月25日)

この記事では、Minecraft 1.7.10のMod CoreTweaks記事作成時点での最新版)のコンフィグを日本語訳したものを記載しています。日本語として読みやすいように意訳している部分もありますが、ご了承ください。


(注: ここから各カテゴリのコンフィグの有効・無効を一括で切り替えることができる。)

enableBugfixes [default: true]

Set this to false to disable all features in the 'bugfixes' category.

enableDiagnostics [default: true]

Set this to false to disable all features in the 'diagnostics' category.

enableOptimizations [default: true]

Set this to false to disable all features in the 'optimizations' category.

enableTweaks [default: true]

Set this to false to disable all features in the 'tweaks' category.


fix_display_list_delete [default: true]

Fixes graphical glitches that happen after recovering from a game crash, caused by world renderer display lists getting deleted but never reallocated. From 1.12.

fix_double_eat [default: true]

Fixes an extra food item sometimes getting silently consumed (MC-849)

fix_entity_tracking [default: true]

Backports most of https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/5160, a patch that fixes minecarts duplicating and vanishing.

fix_forge_chat_link_crash [default: true]

Fixes crash when certain invalid URLs appear in chat.
Compatibility note: Not compatible with `fixUrlDetection` in Hodgepodge 1.6.14 and higher, which does the same (this feature will be disabled).
互換性に関するメモ: Hodgepodge 1.6.14以降の`fixUrlDetection`は同じ処理を行うため、互換性がない(この機能は無効化される)。

fix_heightmap_range [default: true]

Fixes heightmap calculation not including the top layer of 16x16x16 regions, causing lighting errors (MC-7508)

fix_intel_rendering [default: true]

Fixes rendering bug that causes the entire screen to get filled with a single color when using Intel drivers. Thanks to PheonixVX and TheMasterCaver for identifying the reason.

Fix the rendering issue in an alternate, more intrusive way, which is how the fix was originally prescribed. Try enabling this if the issue still happens.

fix_small_entity_swim [default: true]

Fixes bug in entity swimming code resulting in small entities (ones with hitboxes less than 0.8 units tall, such as DMod's foxes) being prone to drowning.

forge_fix_logger_class_loading_error [default: true]

Fixes the NoClassDefFoundError that can occur when FML logs an exception originating from a coremod, losing the original exception in the process. This ostensibly happens due to a bug in the version of log4j that 1.7.10 ships with.

gui_click_sound [default: true]

Fixes click sounds not playing in guis with scroll bars (e.g. the video settings screen.)
スクロールバー付きのGUI(例: ビデオ設定画面)でクリック音が再生されない不具合を修正する。

estore_travel_sound [default: true]

Restore interdimensional travel sound (travel.ogg). Fixes MC-233, fixed in 1.9


detect_data_watcher_id_conflicts [default: true]

Emit warning when a mod registers a typed DataWatcher object in an already occupied ID slot (vanilla only warns in the typeless registration method).

enhance_map_storage_errors [default: true]

Makes MapStorage's errors more informative.


(注: 専門的な内容が多く、DeepLで翻訳させた文章をほとんどそのまま記載した部分が多い。修正求む。)

exclude_library_transformation [default: true]

Exclude libraries from being transformed. Speeds up startup slightly. This will break any mods that try to transform these libraries, though that's fairly unlikely.

Packages that should be added as class transformer exclusions. (This list will be reset every time the config is loaded if the first element is ':resetOnLoad')

fast_default_resource_pack [default: true]

Cache the folders contained in DefaultResourcePacks. Makes the biggest difference in dev environments and on slow file systems (looking at you Windows.)

fast_folder_resource_pack [default: true]

Reduces the unnecessary work FMLDeobfuscationRemapper does when we are in a deobfuscated (i.e. development) environment.

forge_fast_progress_bar [default: true]

Don't update progress bar on steps. Only active if splash is disabled.

forge_fast_step_message_strip [default: true]

Don't strip unusual characters from bar step messages. Only active if splash is disabled.

forge_fast_wildcard_transformers [default: true]

Makes Forge's wildcard class transformers (FluidIdTransformer and SideTransformer) more efficient. Might break mods that interact with the transformer list.
Forge のワイルドカードクラスのTransformer(FluidIdTransformerとSideTransformer)を効率的にする。Transformerのリストと相互作用する MOD は崩壊する可能性がある。

forge_mod_discoverer_skip_known_libraries [default: true]

Skip over known libraries during Forge mod discovery. From Forge 1.12 (added in 1.9)

jar_discoverer_cache [default: true]

Cache jar discoverer results (and fix a memory leak as a nice bonus).
Compatibility note: Not compatible with `jarDiscovererMemoryLeakFix` in FoamFix, which is a subset of this fix (we will attempt to disable their feature - if this fails, this feature will be disabled).
互換性に関するメモ: FoamFixの`jarDiscovererMemoryLeakFix`はこの修正の一部分を含むため、互換性がない(FoamFixの機能の無効化を試みる。失敗した場合はこの機能が無効化される)。

Maximum age (in runs) of elements in cache. If an element hasn't been used for more than this many runs, it will be discarded. Set to -1 for no limit.

optimize_get_pending_block_updates [default: true]

Optimizes WorldServer#getPendingBlockUpdates. Speeds up chunk unloading.
Compatibility note: Not compatible with OptiFine, which does the same thing (this feature will be disabled).
互換性に関するメモ: OptiFineは同じ処理を行うため、互換性がない(この機能は無効化される)。

tcp_no_delay [default: true]

Sets TCP_NODELAY to true, reducing network latency in multiplayer. Works on server as well as client. From Minecraft 1.12 (added in 1.8.1).

transformer_cache [default: true]

Enable class transformer cache.

transformerCacheMode [default: LITE]

The type of transformer caching to use.
* LITE: Cache individual transformations of select transformers. Reduces startup time. Safe.
* FULL: Cache the entire transformer chain. Reduces startup time further, but breaks with many mods.
LITE: 選択したTransformerによる個々の変換をキャッシュする。スタートアップの時間を短縮させる。安全。
FULL: Transformerチェーン全体をキャッシュする。さらにスタートアップの時間を短縮させるが、多くのModを崩壊させる。




Sometimes caching classes can cause problems. Classes in this list will not be cached.


Comma-separated list of transformers for which the view of the transformer chain should be restored.
The caching class transformer replaces the transformer chain with just itself. This creates conflicts with certain other transformers which also access the transformer chain, which can result in the game crashing.
To solve this, our transformer will restore the view of the transformer chain while these transformers are running.
How to find bad transformers? If you see another transformer's name in your crash log, or see its name in one of the iterator stack traces printed in debug mode, adding it to this list may solve the problem.


Comma-separated list of mod files to ignore modifications of when deciding if a cache rebuild should be triggered.
If your cache keeps getting rebuilt even though you haven't changed any mods, look for deranged mod files and add them to this list.

recentCacheSize [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 512]

Cached class bytecode is removed from memory after being used, but the most recent N are kept around because the same class is often transformed more than once. This option sets the value of that N.
(Set to -1 to keep class bytecode in RAM forever)

verbosity [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]

* 0: Only print the essential messages.
* 1: Print when the cache gets saved.
* 2: Debug mode. Turn this on to log a bunch of stuff that can help find the cause of a crash.
* 0: 必要なメッセージのみを出力する。
* 1: キャッシュが保存されたとき出力する。
* 2: デバッグモード。これをオンにすると、クラッシュの原因究明に役立つ多くのログが記録される。


lateLiteTransformerCache [default: false]

Initialize later using a safer method. Might improve compatibility at the cost of not caching early transformations.

liteTransformerCacheMaxSizeMB [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 128]

Maximum size (in MB) of cache. If the cache grows larger than this, the least recently used entries will be discarded. Set to -1 for no limit.


Canonical class names of the transformers that should be cached.

useDiffsInTransformerCache [default: true]

Only store the difference made by a transformation rather than the entire result.
Greatly reduces cache size (by ~40-70%) but makes transformation slightly (~25%) slower in the cached case and ~50-100% slower when the cache is first created.
Disable this if you want to maximize speed at the cost of increased disk and memory usage.


fc_optimize_texture_upload [default: true]

Removes the call to GL11#getInteger in FastCraft's texture upload handler during texture stitching and uses a cached value instead. Fixes the slowness of texture stitching that happens when OptiFine and FastCraft are both present, and mipmapping is enabled.
テクスチャのスティッチング中、FastCraftのtexture upload handler内にあるGL11#getIntegerの呼び出しを削除し、代わりにキャッシュされた値を使用する。OptiFineとFastCraftがどちらも存在し、ミップマップが有効になっている場合に発生する、テクスチャのスティッチングが遅くなる不具合を修正する。

of_optimize_world_renderer [default: true]

Replaces the reflection OptiFine uses to access Forge methods in WorldRenderer#updateRenderer with direct calls to those methods. Small speedup during chunk updates.


clamp_far_plane_distance [default: true]

If enabled, the distance of the view fustrum's far plane will be clamped above `minFarPlaneDistance`. Setting it to 180 or higher fixes clipping in OptiFine's custom skybox that happens when using lower render distances.
有効にした場合、ビューファストラムの遠くの平面の距離?が `minFarPlaneDistance` (後述)以上に固定される。180以上に設定すると、描画距離を短くしたときに起こる、OptiFineのCustom Skyboxがクリッピングされる不具合を修正する。

minFarPlaneDistance [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 180.0]

See `clampFarPlaneDistance`.

crash_handler [default: true]

Lets you survive crashes without the game exiting, usually.
Compatibility note: Not compatible BetterCrashes and CrashGuard, which do the same thing (this feature will be disabled).
互換性に関するメモ: BetterCrashesCrashGuardは同じ処理を行うため、互換性がない(この機能は無効化される)。

disable_fog [default: false]

Disables fog. Simple as.

extend_sprint_time_limit [default: true]

In vanilla, the player can't sprint for longer than 30 seconds. This tweak increases this limit to be virtually infinite. Fixes MC-4839, fixed in 1.9

force_uncap_framerate [default: false]

EXPERIMENTAL: Uncaps framerate even when framelimiter is enabled. The framerate limit will only be used to decide how much time to spend updating chunks each frame. Vanilla Beta 1.7.3 behavior. It seems to make things worse though, at least with OptiFine.
実験的機能: framelimiterが有効な場合でもフレームレート上限を開放する。フレームレート上限は、各フレームのチャンクの更新にかかる時間を決定することにのみ使用されるようになる。Beta1.7.3の仕様。少なくともOptiFineのある環境では状況が悪化する模様。

light_fix_stare [default: true]

Causes lighting updates around the block the player is looking at. A workaround for lighting errors that lets you fix them by staring at them. Useful in the Nether.

main_menu_continue_button [default: false]

Add a button to the main menu that loads the last played world. (Button ID: -2026964516)

tweak_cloud_height_check [default: true]

If enabled, the condition used to decide whether to render opaque or transparent clouds will be set based on the value of `cloudHeightCheckMode`.
Compatibility note: Not compatible with NotFine, which has a setting to control the same thing (this feature will be disabled).
有効にすると、不透明な雲を描画するか透明な雲を描画するかを決定するための条件が `cloudHeightCheckMode`の値に基づいて設定される。
互換性に関するメモ: NotFineは同じ機能をコントロールする設定があるため、互換性がない(この機能は無効化される)。

cloudHeightCheckMode [default: VARIABLE_CORRECTED]

Lets you tweak the condition used to decide whether to render opaque or transparent clouds.
* VARIABLE_CORRECTED: Keep vanilla behavior of rendering clouds as opaque when the player is below them and transparent otherwise, but with the turning point corrected to match the cloud height even when the world provider has a different cloud height than 128. Also provides a fix for OptiFine's bug where clouds disappear when the player is between Y=128 and the cloud height level when they are raised.
* ALWAYS_TRANSPARENT: Always render clouds as transparent (how it is in b1.7.3 and 1.15+)
* ALWAYS_OPAQUE: Always render clouds as opaque
* VARIABLE_CORRECTED: プレイヤーが雲の下にいる場合は不透明に、それ以外の場合は透明に雲を描画するというバニラの仕様を維持し、ワールドプロバイダが128と異なる雲の高さを持っている場合でも、雲の高さに一致するように切り替え地点を修正する。Y=128から雲の高さまでの間にプレイヤーがいるとき、雲の高さを上げると雲が消えてしまう不具合も修正する。
* ALWAYS_TRANSPARENT: 常に雲を透明に描画する(Beta1.7.3・1.15以降の仕様)
* ALWAYS_OPAQUE: 常に雲を不透明に描画する

uncap_create_world_gui_text_field_length [default: false]

Uncap max length for world name and world seed in the world creation GUI. (By default, it's capped at 32.)


of_fix_update_renderers_return_value [default: false]

Fixes OptiFine's implementation of updateRenderers returning the opposite value of what it should (probably a bug). Only effective when framerate limiter is enabled. Speeds up chunk updates significantly, and increases framerate when there aren't many chunk updates. However, during heavy chunk updating (e.g. when loading a world) it decreases the framerate as a side effect of not being as lazy.
OptiFineのupdateRenderers処理が返すべき値とは反対の値を返すのを修正する(おそらくバグ)。フレームレート制限が有効な場合のみ効果を発揮する。チャンク更新速度が劇的に上がり、チャンク更新が多くないときはフレームレートを向上させる。しかし、重いチャンク更新(例: ワールドロード時)の間は、遅延がない副作用としてフレームレートが低下する。

of_unlock_custom_sky_min_render_distance [default: true]

Allows custom sky rendering in OptiFine D6 when using a render distance lower than 8.
描画距離が8未満でもOptiFine D6の Custom Sky Renderingを可能にする。


[1] MC-849
食事・ポーションの使用・ゾンビの治療・動物への給餌などでアイテムを使用する際、余分なアイテムがアニメーションなしで消費されてしまう不具合。MC 1.9で修正されたかと思われたが、最終的に修正されたのはリリースはMC 1.15だった。

[2] MC-7508
いわゆる光源バグの一種。MC 1.8にて修正。

また高度マップChunkフォーマットについてはMinecraft Wiki参照。

