



・Most companies struggle to extract value from their data. Several years ago, Forrester reported that between 60% and 73% of data belonging to the average business goes unused for analytics. That’s because the data’s siloed or otherwise pigeonholed by technical and security considerations, making it difficult — if not impossible — to apply analytical tools.


・Anna PojawisとTyler Maranは、Y Combinator支援のスタートアップHightouchとFair Squareでエンジニアとして働いていた経験から、データの価値問題を解決しようと決心しました。多くの企業がエンジニアリングの障害によって分析戦略から「締め出されている」ことを発見したためです。

・Anna Pojawis and Tyler Maran, engineers who previously did stints at Y Combinator-backed startups Hightouch and Fair Square, were inspired to try their hands at solving the data value problem after discovering that many companies had been “locked out” of analytics strategies due to the engineering roadblocks.



・“We’ve found that a significant part of the market, especially those in regulated industries like healthcare and finance, have struggled with data analytics,” Maran told TechCrunch. “The majority of corporate data doesn’t fit into a database today; it’s sales calls, documents, Slack messages and so on. And, given the scale of these companies, off-the-shelf data models are typically not sufficient.”



・So Pojawis and Maran founded OmniAI, a set of tools that transform unstructured enterprise data into something that data analytics apps and AI can understand. OmniAI syncs with a company’s data storage services and databases, preps the data within and allows companies to run the model of their choice — for example, a large language model — on the data.



・OmniAI performs all of its work in the company’s cloud, OmniAI’s private cloud or on-premises environments, delivering ostensibly improved security, according to Maran. “We believe that large language models will become essential to a company’s infrastructure in the next decade, and having everything hosted in one place just makes sense,” Maran said.


・OmniAIは、MetaのLlama 3、AnthropicのClaude、MistralのMistral Large、AmazonのAWS Titanなどのモデルとの統合を提供し、データからの機密情報の自動編集やAI搭載アプリケーションの構築などのユースケースに対応します。顧客はOmniAIとSaaS契約を結び、自社インフラでのモデル管理を可能にします。

・Out of the box, OmniAI offers integrations with models, including Meta’s Llama 3, Anthropic’s Claude, Mistral’s Mistral Large and Amazon’s AWS Titan for use cases like automatically redacting sensitive information from data and generally building AI-powered applications. Customers sign a software-as-a-service contract with OmniAI to enable management of models on their infrastructure.



・It’s early days. But Omni, which recently closed a $3.2 million seed round led by FundersClub at a $30 million valuation, claims to have 10 customers already, including Klaviyo and Carrefour. Annual recurring revenue is on track to reach $1 million by 2025, Maran said.



・“We’re an incredibly lean team in a fast-growing industry,” Maran said. “Our bet is that, over time, companies will opt for running models alongside their existing infrastructure, and model providers will focus more on licensing model weights to existing cloud providers.”


・extract value:価値を引き出す
・unstructured data:非構造化データ
・preps the data:データを準備する
・recurring revenue:定期収益
・licensing model weights:モデルの重みをライセンスする

