
my diaries

my short diary in English.


The Global Challenge of Food Waste. - Mar. 28, 2024.

Our insatiable appetite is creating an unequal world where the rich grow richer and the poor, poorer. An ABC news article reports that over one billion meals were wasted each day in 2022. This contributes to about 8% to 10% of global greenh

What can we do against the child labor problem? - Mar. 26, 2024.

"I was the poorest of the poor, so I resold candies to pay for school. That's how I became so familiar with child labor," she explained. In yesterday's English conversation lesson, we discussed an article from Voice of America titled 'US La

My Second Home: Hiroshima. - Mar. 25, 2024.

My university journey began with disappointment, but it turned into a blessing over these six years. Last week, I graduated from my cherished school and seminar, moving from Hiroshima to the Kansai area. In Hiroshima, I encountered many won

Adapting to Work and Personal Life Changes. - Mar. 19, 2024.

Yesterday, I visited the office to attend the launch presentation of a new product and technology. The words of the company president left me feeling unsettled. I'm uncertain about fitting into this workplace and building my life with this

Our Unique Lives. - Mar. 16, 2024.

Recently, some of my high school friends have gotten married, while others have changed their jobs, each carving their unique path. As for me, I am finally graduating from graduate school next week and will start working this April. Althoug

Packing and Minimal Living. - Mar. 15, 2024.

Packing for my move next week, I was surprised by the sheer volume of books I own. Although decluttering is crucial for an easier move, reading books helps calm my mind, making it challenging to decide which books to keep. The concept of li

Financial Plans for a Stable Future. - Mar. 14, 2024.

Lately, the YouTube channel "がまぐち夫婦の節約チャンネル" has captured my attention. Concerns about economic matters like NISA and budgeting have fueled my motivation to learn more. This channel offers a range of money-saving methods and mindsets, artic

Education and Child Labor. - Mar. 13, 2024.

This is my first diary post in March. Spending a comfortable time at my parents' house and traveling alone to Singapore has been a fulfilling end to my student life over these last two weeks. I plan to post about my Singapore trip soon beca