
Sunday Marine Port Kagoshima Diamond Princess Appears

 On the 16th, the British-flagged Diamond Princess made her 48th visit. From Yokohama, the ship arrived at Marine Port Kagoshima at 7 a.m. and departed for Busan, South Korea at 4 p.m. 
 Today's number of passengers was 2,852, of which 1,365 were Japan. Among foreign nationals, 742 from the United States, 182 from Australia, 125 from Taiwan, 87 from the Philippines, 56 from Turkey, 46 from Canada, 45 from the United Kingdom, and 204 from other countries were on board. Around 3 p.m., one hour before the departure time, many people showed up, including families and local people to see them off. In addition, the big jazz band group "Little Cherries" composed of elementary and junior high school students in Kagoshima Prefecture also rushed to perform for the passengers who were leaving Kagoshima. This time, the Diamond Princess will return to Yokohama via Akita and Aomori after Busan, South Korea. (Article written by Reporter)

A group performing to passengers before setting sail
Passengers listening to the performance
Passengers listening to the performance
Departure from the ship
Departure from the ship
