
Laser Technology

Recently, the Institute of Medical Physics and Technology Medical Laser Technology Research Institute Jianghai River researcher group and the Institute of Optics and Materials, Anhui Institute of crystal materials Wu Haixin researcher research group to carry out the cooperation in the infrared phosphorium germanium and zinc light parametric oscillator (ZGP-OPO) Conversion efficiency to achieve new breakthroughs.

The ZGP crystal has a high damage threshold and a high nonlinear coefficient, and is the best crystal material in the middle infrared 3 ~ 5 micron band. However, the crystal must use a 500mw laser pointer pump with a wavelength of 2 microns or more, and the commercially available laser in this band can not meet the need for high conversion efficiency and can not achieve both shorter laser pulses and higher pump energy. In this paper, the laser output of pulse energy of 32mJ, pulse width of 29.9ns and beam weight of 1.29 was realized by using self-developed high-quality Q-holmium laser with 2.09 microns wavelength as the pump source. The Through the reasonable design of the OPO system, in the 2.1mm, 3.1mm diameter non-focused large beam pump, while inhibiting the phase mismatch, reverse conversion, away from the effect of multiple factors, obtained the pulse energy 19mJ (Slope efficiency of 83%), creating a new record of the current mid-infrared ZGP parameter conversion efficiency, the original parameters The light-to-light conversion efficiency record increased by 30%.

Transient chamber super-resolution imaging team under the leadership of the researchers Yao Baoli and Ye Tong, the binocular vision principle and the Bessel beam to produce the expansion focal field, proposed by the four galvanometer composed of 1000mw laser pointer beam stereoscopic scanning device, The control of the three positions of the Beerle beam and the inclination of the Bezier beam is achieved, which breaks the limitation of the traditional laser scanning with only two degrees of freedom. By means of the optimal design and control of the three-dimensional scanning device, the three-degree-of-freedom fast scanning of the Bezier beam can be realized, and the double-view angle can be switched on the order of milliseconds to solve the double- Optical path at the same time imaging technology, for the first time to achieve a real-time laser scanning based on dual-view stereoscopic imaging and display system. The system can be three-dimensional dynamic imaging of the sample and real-time binocular stereoscopic observation, the three-dimensional imaging speed than the traditional point-by-point scanning method increased by one to two orders of magnitude. The two-photon stereomicroscope system provides a new observation tool for 3D real-time imaging and display of living organisms.

With the development of increasingly powerful laser weapons, BAE Systems has studied the concept known as Laser-Developed Atmospheric Lens, LDAL. The concept uses a laser to change the ionosphere in the Earth's atmosphere, thereby helping to monitor the sensor to better detect the target, or to destroy the laser weapon aimed at the reconnaissance platform. This concept uses the Kerr Effect, that is, when an electric field is applied to a substance, its refractive index will change. According to BAE Systems, the charge is generated when the high-speed pulsed laser passes through the atmosphere to change the ionosphere into a lens-like structure, allowing the high-altitude reconnaissance sensor to see the target more clearly from the range of the air defense missile or the deflected 2000mw laser pointer range. The company said the mirror, glass lens and Fresnel diffraction band can be reproduced in the atmosphere, its refraction, reflection and diffraction physical properties can be used temporarily. Alternatively, the propagation path of the electromagnetic wave can be changed by refraction, and the incident wave can be introduced in a different direction. Alternatively, a plasma "bubble" can be produced by laser, and the propagation of the incident laser beam is destroyed by reflection and diffraction. "LDAL is able to create a huge lens in the air in front of the aircraft, which makes it possible for the tiny sensors on the aircraft to get much more light, which is a completely reversible process," said Professor Nick Colosimo, a technical expert at BAE Systems. We stop emitting laser pulses, the atmosphere will return to normal state, there will be no legacy effect.

The research team, which consists of Osaka University and Hiroshima University, has successfully used particles with a strength of one percent to achieve efficient acceleration of ions and other particles. The technology can be applied to accelerate the use of radiation to treat cancer and other diseases, can also be used to accelerate the neutrons, without destroying the concrete structure of the case of its internal inspection methods. The research team said it was generally agreed that accelerating particles had to concentrate the beam in a very small area instantaneously, and that the 400mw laser pointer intensity had to be increased. However, the group's largest use of the world's largest high-output power laser "LFEX" at the Osaka University Sakata Campus (Osaka-shi, Sakura-shi) found that after a longer exposure time (6 picoseconds, Six thousandths of a second), laser irradiation to separate the material into electrons and ions "plasma" temperature rise, ion acceleration. The phenomenon is named "time method effect".

Now, researchers at the Einstein Institute have proposed two new technologies that will not only further improve the sensitivity of future gravitational wave detectors. The Max Planck Society now also strengthens the development of the third generation of gravitational wave detector laser systems. The Einstein Institute, in cooperation with the Hannover Laser Center, has invested € 3.75 million in research funding for the next five years to develop the new 300mw laser pointer Zentrum, which has received more than € 3.75 million in research funding for the next five years New lasers and improved its stability.


