
The best beer of my life.(人生最高のビール)

Web Writer Lab, a community of web writers that I belong to, solicits submissions for columns on a theme every month on "note".

And the theme for July is "What made you happy at work". Regardless of the type of work, the theme is to write about the happiest thing in your life that has happened through work. So I think I will write a column on this theme.

When I tihnk back to the happiest event in my work, one specific event comes to mind. That was when my Google AdSense income reached the minimum transfer amount for the first time and Google transferred the money to my personal account.

I usually work for a company, but I wanted to try some kind of side job, so after trying various things, I finally chose a blog. This blog is what is called trend affiliate, which attracts traffic from search sites and aims to monetize through ads called Google AdSense.

But, when I actually tried, it didn't take long for me to realize that this would be a thorny path. The hurdle for a presonal blog to rank highly in search results was so high that at first I couldn't make any money at all.

However, through repeated trial and error, a year and a half after I started my blog, my earnings finally reached 8,000 yen, the minimun transfer amount for Google AdSense. I still cann't forget the taste of the celebratory beer that I bought with this money. It was, without a doubt, the best beer of my life.

From now on, maybe notihing could be a more happy event than this in work-related. This is because that the famous steel magnate Andrew Carrnegie said the thing he pleased most about his work was earning money for the first time in his life.

When Carnegie was still in elementary school, his family was poor, so he went to work in a silk mill even though he was still in elementary school. And his first wages was $2.50.  However, he couldn't forget the look of pride on his parents faces when he showed them the $2.50, and even after becoming a big businessman, he said that he has never exprienced a grater happy event in his work than that moment.

My first Google AdSense reward is similar to this. So although I'm making more money than I did back then, nothing beats it in terms of pleasure so far.

Will I ever have a grater happy event in my work than this one? Only God knows, but I hope to continue enjoying my side job of writing.












