
写真録 馬 ~ 1908年 アメリカ・ウエストバージニア州の炭鉱での坑内馬と少年坑夫


Young driver, September 1908.
Credit: Library of Congress // Public Domain
This boy worked as a driver in Brown Mine located in Brown, West Virginia. He worked from 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. every day and had been employed for one year when the photograph was taken by Lewis Wickes Hine. On his head, he is wearing an oil-wick cap lamp which he uses for light while being in the mine for many hours. Mine employees would often use the cheapest fuel available, which would often be a mixture of lard oil and kerosene; this caused a flame that was extremely smoky which would irritate their eyes and leave soot on their faces.
A “driver” in a coal mine was responsible for guiding the horses carrying coal in and out of the mine. A driver was one of the main jobs in mines that used child labor, and the boys who held the position were typically 14 or 15 years old.

若い運転手、1908 年 9 月。
クレジット:米国議会図書館// パブリック ドメイン


炭鉱の「御者」は、石炭を炭鉱に出入りする馬を誘導する責任がありました。運転手は児童労働を利用する鉱山の主要な仕事の 1 つであり、その職に就く少年は通常 14 歳か 15 歳でした。

History Colored

Young drivers, October 1908.
Credit: Library of Congress // Public Domain

Two young drivers with a horse in a West Virginia coal mine photographed by Lewis Hine in October 1908. You can see on their heads lit oil-wick cap lamps which provide light in the dark coal mine. These boys would have most likely been around 14 years old.

若い運転手、1908 年 10 月。
クレジット:米国議会図書館// パブリック ドメイン

1908 年 10 月にルイス・ハインが撮影した、ウェストバージニア州の炭鉱で馬を連れた 2 人の若い運転手。彼らの頭には、暗い炭鉱に明かりをもたらす油芯のキャップランプが灯っているのが見えます。これらの少年たちはおそらく 14 歳くらいだったと思われます。

History Colored
