Learning journal 10.23/2020

I feel very much like to write down a learning journal so that I can consolidate what I'm learning in EID.

The UER this week mainly focused on the ethic issues in carrying out research on education and development. I didn't expect there are so many regulations and provisions on carrying out ethical research. I know that integrity is quite important considering academic work, maybe heard of anonymity a few times, but haven't really thought about issues such as "broker"'s stance and its impact on research, or the informed & affirmative consent of children and their parents, or power relationship between children and teacher in research in classroom. In all these readings as well as our discussion & live session, I am quite moved by this respect for human rights and mindfulness of what we might bring to/ leave on respondents. 

Apart from research, every single action we take do leave something on people, and it is important to keep in mind what kind of impact we may leave on others and try to do no harm, or even do some good.

Technical tips: I think after the whole week I do need to review the recorded lectures & webinars again (maybe while playing with Omoi or eating) to recapture the main ideas. I already forgot what each lecturer said in their videos!

Maybe take down the notes of the videos here:
