


  • note.bassdrum

    • 175本

    「つくる」ための知識と技術を持つテクニカルディレクターが中心に集まる組織、BASSDRUM(ベースドラム )です。検証や実験、読み物などを発信していきます。お仕事のお問い合わせは、 hello@bassdrum.org まで。 https://bassdrum.org/ja/ https://twitter.com/BASSDRUM_org https://www.facebook.com/BASSDRUM.org/

  • Hola English Diary


BD RESEARCH:Houdini Workshop

開催概要案件が発生しないと積極的に触れることのない技術領域などを試行錯誤しながら共に学んでいく会「BD RESEARCH」。 今回はUNLITの土肥さんを講師としてお招きし「Houdini」のワークショップを開催いたしました。 UNLIT INC. 株式会社アンリット 土肥武司 Takeshi Doi コンピュータグラフィクスとプログラミングを掛け合わせた映像表現と、 様々なデバイスなどを使ったセンシングや、映像の出力、投影などを使った 新たなコンテンツのビジュアルエンジニ


      案件が発生しないと積極的に触れることのない技術領域などを試行錯誤しながら共に学んでいく会「BD RESEARCH」。 その第二回を開催いたしました。今回のテーマは「PTZカメラ」です。 ・・・ ■PTZカメラとはパン・チルト・ズームの3つの機能を持ち、それを遠隔で操作できるカメラのことを言います。PTZとはそれぞれの頭文字となっています。 パン(Pan):横方向への回転ができる チルト(Tilt):縦方向の回転ができる ズーム(Zoom):拡大・縮小ができる 出典:P

      • 新型iPadに搭載された「LiDAR」とは

        先日新型iPad Proが発売されましたね。 https://www.apple.com/jp/ipad-pro/ 今回の発表で話題となっているのがLiDARの搭載です。 LiDARとは 出典:全方位レーザーLiDARイメージングユニット VLS-128-AP【Alpha Prime™】 Velodyne Lidar | 特殊カメラ・特殊センサ | 株式会社アルゴ 「light Detection and Ranging」の略で、レーザー光を用いたセンシング技術です。”

        • 2019-08-15 lost

          I lost my AirPods. I lost my AirPods... I favorited the AirPods. Connecting my iPhone with it is easy. Sound quality is not bad. Equipping it with my ears is easy. Maybe I will buy one more... This isn't Apple's strategy, is it?

        BD RESEARCH:Houdini Workshop


        • note.bassdrum
        • Hola English Diary


          2019-08-14 kick board and dog

          I saw woman rode a kick board and took her dog for walk. I doubt that the dog can pee whenever the dog like. A dog's urine is marking for territory. The dog can't have his territory, can he? The dog has the satisfaction of living with h

          2019-08-14 kick board and dog

          2019-08-13 expressionless twist

          I like the movie "Pulp Fiction". The movie is unique but cool. Now the goods about the movie is sold at Tokyu Hands. I bought a T-shirt. Then I got a mug! (People bought the goods over 5000 yen can get the mug.) I had a good day.

          2019-08-13 expressionless twist

          2019-08-07 Death Cab for Cutie

          I watched Fuji Rock Fes 2019 on Youtube. I came to like "Death Cab for Cutie". I have listened them songs everyday since when I watched them play. All the band member is an older ma, but a melody that they played and vocal's voice is bea

          2019-08-07 Death Cab for Cutie

          2019-08-06 size of the brain

          I saw a very little bog on my way home. The dog's head is so little. I had a question at that time. "Does a dog have different intelligence depending on the size of the brain?" A dog has absolutely different body size by type. Maybe a

          2019-08-06 size of the brain

          2019-08-04 Tesla Coil

          I went to Maker Faire Tokyo 2019. I like this event. I like who they enjoy making. There was Tesla Coil. I knew about Tesla Coil for the first time when I watched "Coffee and Cigarettes". I was looking forward to look it because I ha

          2019-08-04 Tesla Coil

          2019-08-03 I like Asagaya.

          I met friends that I lived in Okayama. We drank from day to night at Asagaya. Asagaya is good city. My brother has lived at Asagaya several years ago. I played with my brother often at there. Asagaya has many good Japanese pubs. I wan

          2019-08-03 I like Asagaya.

          2019-08-02 play basketball

          I played basketball for a long time. When I lived in Okayama 2 years ago, I played basketball once a month. But I had seldom played basketball since when I started to lived in Tokyo. I enjoyed playing basketball! And I so exhausted as M

          2019-08-02 play basketball

          2019-08-02 level 10

          I ate spicy curry in dinner for dinner. This has a level of spicy. I ate the curry of level 10. I have eaten the curry of level 30 once. It was so spicy, but I could eat it. So I thought I could eat the curry without patience. But It

          2019-08-02 level 10

          2019-07-31 Yakitori and Beer

          I wanted to eat Yakitori for 2 weeks. A hot day make beer delicious. And beer make yakitori delicious. Today, I invited my co-worker to go drinking. We went to a Yakitori bar. It was delicious a Yakitori. Of course, beer was so delici

          2019-07-31 Yakitori and Beer

          2019-07-30 hot summer

          Yesterday and Today is very hot. I am not good at hot. However, I found this tweet yesterday. "Really...!?" I thought. I got ready this method yesterday. (I bought an ice pack and I put it in a refrigerator.) Today, I tried the method.

          2019-07-30 hot summer

          2019-07-29 beni-shoga

          英語を習い始めたのでその一環として日記をつけてみる。これは昨日書いたもの。 I ate lunch in Matsuya today. I ordered to "Premium Gyu Meshi". It was more than delicious than I thought. My friend Abetaka said "A beni-shoga is also delicious in Gyudon stores where Gyudons is del

          2019-07-29 beni-shoga


          ミラノは大きい犬がいっぱいいて大きい公園があって良いです。 BASSDRUMのながほらです。 私は今イタリアのミラノにおります。 3/1 から行われるミラノ・トリエンナーレにて ALMA Music Box を展示をするため、その設営に来ております。 そこまで大掛かりなシステムではないため設営に必要な人数はひとり。 なので私が単身で現場に来ています、しかしイタリア語どころか英語も全くできません。 わかってはいたのですが、今回の現場、とても大変なうです…。 大変なうなので
