Time4VPS から料金改定のお知らせ

きのう VPS を使っている Time4VPS から料金改定のお知らせメールが来た。


Time4VPS would like to announce the upcoming price changes.

At the beginning of 2022, we changed our prices for new orders, the old packages were not changed at the time. Starting 22nd August 2022, Time4VPS will adjust the old prices of the rest packages to match the actual prices.

The changes will affect all VPS packages; you can review their regular, current prices on our website, based on which billing cycle you use:

Until 22nd August, you have time to renew and prolong your servers with your server existing cost. You can check the article below to see how to renew your service manually:

Best regards,
Time4VPS team

メールの文章がやや曖昧だが、既存ユーザーは現在更新をする予定なら、8月 22 日までは旧料金で更新できるということのようだ。

