
HSP Visa in Japan

Introduced in May 2012, the Highly Skilled Professional visa (HSP) special visa offers more workforce advantages than standard work visas. It's issued through a standard point-based system to foreigners who meet the requirements for education, professional work history, annual salary, and age. Those under the HSP visa are considered irreplaceable human resources who are capable of generating and executing innovation within the nation.
Although it's highly beneficial for those who want to establish their own business or fast-track their residency, the process of receiving an HSP visa can be more strenuous than other visa statuses.

Pros and Cons of HSP Visa in Japan


Compared to other work visas like the Instructor or Specialist in Humanities visa, which can limit the holder to one specific type of job, the HSP allows for the possibility of engaging in multiple activities in different visa categories. For example, an HSP holder could operate a business as the CEO while also maintaining the main role under which the visa was granted. Other benefits include:

  • A maximum visa duration of five years which is extendable

  • Preferential processing of Immigration procedures (10 days maximum)

  • Bring along family members and domestic staff with you to Japan

  • You can bring your parents if they will:

    • Live with you to:

      • Help to care for your children under the age of 7

      • Help in caring for your pregnant spouse

  • Allows your spouse to work

  • Become eligible to apply for permanent residency after three years of working in Japan (faster than the standard 10 years).

  • You can apply for permanent residency after one year if you score 80 points or more.


In Japan, the normal Work Visa or Work Permit is employer independent. Japanese work permits do not mention the name of employers, and an employee can change a job at any time without worrying about the visa.
However, if an employee with an HSP visa changes jobs, they must again apply for the same visa. This is because this visa mentions your "Designation" (指定書) and includes the details of your employer.

Qualification Criteria

There are three categories for the HSP visa—Advanced academic research activities, advanced specialized/technical, and advanced business management activities. The visa for advanced academic research activities is issued to foreigners who will engage in education, research, or research guidance. The visa for advanced specialized/technical activities will be issued to those with specialized natural sciences or humanities skills. Advanced business management visas are issued to foreigners who will operate or manage a business. All visa categories apply to both public and private organizations.
To be considered for any of the HSP visas, applicants must score a minimum of 70 points total. The points are divided into three categories—education, professional work history, salary, and age. Below are the charts detailing the points in each category but we highly recommend referring to the Immigration Bureau's guidelines and an immigration lawyer for more information.

Point System


Points received will differ depending on the degree the applicant holds:

  • For advanced academic research activities

  • Holders of a Doctorate Degree: 30 points

  • Holders of a Master's Degree: 20 points

  • Holders of a Bachelor's Degree: 10 points

For advanced specialized or technical activities

  • Holders of a Doctorate Degree: 30 points

  • Holders of a Master's Degree: 20 points

  • Holders of a Bachelor's Degree: 10 points

For advanced business management activities

  • Holders of a Doctorate or Master's Degree: 20 points

  • Holders of a Bachelor's Degree: 10 points


Practical work experience is evaluated for how experienced you work in the industry, sponsoring your visa.

  •  Work experience of ten years and more: 20 points

  • Work experience of seven years: 15 points

  • Work experience of five years: 10 points

  • Work experience of three years: 5 points


Unlike other visas, like the Japanese visa for engineers and humanities, where the minimum annual salary is about 2 million (200,000 a month), the minimum annual salary for the HSP is at least 3 million (250,00 a month). Age will also factor in the amount of money you'll be expected to make. If you have a higher salary, you will receive more points.

Annual salary and Points Earned:

  • 10 million Yen or more: 40 points

  • 9 million Yen: 35 points

  • 8 million Yen: 30 points

  • 7 million Yen (unless you are 40 years of age or above): 25 points

  • 6 million Yen (unless you are 40 years of age or above): 20 points

  • 5 million Yen (unless you are 35 years of age or above): 15 points

  • 4 million Yen (unless you are 30 years of age or above): 10 points


Suppose you apply for a Highly Skilled Professional Visa for Japan under the "advanced business management activities" category. In that case, there are no points awarded based on age.

Under the categories of "advanced academic research activities" and "advanced specialized or technical activities," the points criteria based on your age are:

  • 29 years or younger: 15 points

  • 30 and 34 years old: 10 points

  • 35 and 39 years old: 5 points

Additional points will also be given to those who have fulfilled certain requirements outside of the above list. This includes receiving a degree issued by a Japanese higher education institution, working for an organization that receives support from the Japanese government, obtaining JLPT certification of N1 or N2 level, have achieved previous research or professional accomplishments before the application.

Necessary Documents

When applying for the HSP visa, applicants will need several documents to support the visa application. The documents will likely differ depending on the individual's education, professional work history, and other extenuating circumstances. The standard documents will include the following:
1.     A Certificate of Eligibility
2.     Copies of University Degrees
3.     Documents outlining work history/ research
4.     Financial documents detailing annual salary
5.     Copy of your passport
6.     Any relevant certifications and awards
Although the HSP visa is difficult to obtain, it's an ideal visa status for foreigners interested in starting their own enterprise or if you're seeking a faster way towards permanent residency. The rules and regulations for immigration change yearly in Japan, so we recommend you consult with an immigration lawyer and keep a close eye on the immigration procedures online.
