
Blunders to Dodge When Weighing a Career Transition

Have you ever wondered if there's a better job out there, one that could let you make better use of your skills, travel more, or even make more money? It's a thought most of us have had at some point in our careers. Take the leap and explore the possibilities of a different job, one that could be more rewarding and enjoyable!

Before you make the leap into a new career, take some time to assess the current job market and weigh the pros and cons of your decision. To help you in your job search, we've put together some helpful advice from experienced professionals. Use these tips to get the best results and avoid any potential pitfalls.

Going into an area merely because it is incredibly fashionable right now, or someone tells you, “You would be outstanding at this”

Recall that, in the long run, external influences are not a great plan when deliberating a job change. Especially when it involves something in vogue now or because somebody believes you would do well at something. By and large, you know yourself best: unless you have a zeal for that something, allowing your judgments to be swayed by external elements is never a good idea. Unless you're excited about something, you’ll likely feel like you're at the beginning again after a while.

When it comes to career changes, it's essential to first ask yourself the necessary questions. Don't be influenced by outside forces such as current trends or other people's input unless you are keen on the career. Otherwise, you may find yourself feeling stuck over time. Ultimately, you know what is best for you.

Not Thinking What You Really Like Doing

Reflect on why you chose the career you're in. Chances are, you decided to pursue a degree in your field because of your interest and passion in that area. You don't need to limit yourself to sticking to one job or career forever. Consider how you can explore different parts of your chosen field. An accountant, for instance, can try their hand at working for an entertainment company. A Software designer can set up their own app development business and work on it in their free time. Don't feel stuck in one job - keep exploring and looking for other opportunities out there.

Career Change because of workplace conflicts

You might be wondering why switching to a completely different industry is a bad idea if you're not content in your current job. The answer lies in the fact that you may have spent a long time accumulating experience and developing skills in the field you're already in. Conflict with colleagues or an incompatible company culture is not a valid reason to abandon something that you've been working hard on. Instead of a complete career change, consider looking into other employers where your expertise and efforts will be better appreciated.

Taking the salary only as the consideration

Opting for a higher paycheck may appear to be a great idea. However, you might be in a role you don't enjoy. Furthermore, if you've adjusted your lifestyle to suit your new salary, you may find yourself stuck in this role and unable to make a change.


The Peter Principle has been known to affect many of our professional paths. Even those of us with a great deal of experience in our chosen fields can be struck by it if we make a radical career change. Nonetheless, decisions should not be made out of fear of failure but with a logical mindset. Therefore, take the time to analyze and consider before you leap into something new.

Job boards like EJable are a good starting point if you're contemplating a career switch. Remember to bear in mind the above points when making your decision. Once you figure out what you want to do, take the plunge! There are plenty of job openings, particularly if you relocate to a different country for a new career.
