
5 Best Career Advancement Strategies You Can Put to Use Today

Over the course of their careers, many seasoned professionals have developed valuable strategies when it comes to career advancement, whether they are in IT, finance, media, education, hospitality, or other fields. Below are 5 strategies you can put to use today – these are very helpful to think about when it comes to taking the next step in your career. So, if you’re stuck in a rut, or if you’re looking for something else that you might find infinitely more fulfilling than what you’re doing right now, and you’re wondering, “What can I do to advance my career?” read on.

1. Find a mentor

Many larger companies have mentorship programs that provide employees with role models, guidance, and motivation, focusing on helping the mentee or protégé to set their goals, develop contacts within and outside the company, as well as teaching them communication, presentation, and leadership skills among other things. If you want to take the next step in your career and your company has a mentorship program, consider taking part in it.

If you work for a smaller company, there is no harm in asking the person you report to if you can learn more on the job. Most managers are impressed with people who take the initiative to ask because it shows you are willing and enthusiastic to learn new things about your job.

2. Every person you meet can hold the key to a new opportunity

Whether you are paying your way through law school working at a restaurant, in middle management in finance, or in a sales and marketing role at a Fortune 500 multinational, cultivate the habit of viewing everyone you meet as deserving of your courtesy and consideration because that person might be just the one who can help you advance your career.

Even if they aren’t, developing a reputation as a professional, respectful, and an all-around pleasant person to be around is always a positive trait in any employee – it may even be one that will make you stand out for a promotion in your present job.

3. Do something that scares you

No, it’s not about going to a haunted house at Halloween or a rollercoaster ride. In terms of advancing your career, it can be very advantageous to have the courage to try something new, even if the thought of doing it is a bit daunting at first.

It could involve something like learning about blockchain technology or taking a course on Environmental Social Governance (ESG) investments or internet security, which, incidentally, are red-hot career paths right now. Having such skills in your portfolio will give you confidence and new strategies on how you can advance your career.

Moreover, soft skills and management skills play a much more important role than technical skills when we grow up in careers, and focusing on those is a must. Remember that the Peter Principle can become an obstacle to derail our career growth if we are not ready for the required skills for the next roles.

4. Make sacrifices

Having to sacrifice things you enjoy doing is a drag, but if you frame it within the context of advancing your career and life, it helps to put the sacrifice of time and money into perspective. So, do you need to go to graduate school, study at night to get a professional certification, or accept an unpaid internship in order to learn a whole set of new skills? Assuming you have enough to live on but have to cut back on luxuries like a vacation or a new vehicle, or other indulgences, choosing your career over the fun is the kind of sacrifice that will be more than likely to pay off in the long run.

5. Adapt, Accommodate, and Negotiate without Arguing

No workplace, team, or even family can be without differences of opinion.
It's crucial to navigate the differences in a way that does not hurt self-esteem and even egos.

You will find organizations with different cultural shades, even in your own country.

Moreover, in any country, there are diverse, multicultural teams. However, if you are new in a country with a very distinct culture, you need to be much more sensitive to how most people think and behave. A blunt argument will only hurt you as you will be against a bunch of them.

For example, as a Westerner, if you are in Japan, you should have an understanding of the culture of Japan, and it’s important characteristics to understand how people think and act, to negotiate your ways.

6. It’s never too late

The strategy of “it’s never too late” means just that – no matter what stage of your career you’re at, it’s never too late to change your career path. Doing something you enjoy in itself is career advancement. Oprah Winfrey famously said, “Find a way to get paid for doing what you love. Then every paycheck will be a bonus.”

When you have a job you love, it motivates you and keeps you happy. So, persist and get out of your comfort zone. It will bring you opportunities that you might never have dared to dream of.

Ever wanted to make a career change? Check out niche specialist Japanese job boards, such as EJable, to connect with employers looking to hire tech talent in Japan or even employers wishing to hire Japanese-speaking bilinguals.
