
「TIPI」for getting knowing your personality in just 10 questions!!

I could hear that “What is TIPI?” It is a abbreviation of 「The Ten-Item Personality Inventory」.
As the name, it is about only 10 questions which reveal our personality as well as most relevant questionnaire of “Big Five”

How to assess TIPI
Not at all = 1 point
Fairy different = 2 point
Slightly different = 3 point
Not sure = 4 point
Slightly right = 5 point
Fairy right= 6 point
Totally right= 7 point

10 questions of TIPI
1. I think I’m a person like “social” and “passionate”
2. I think I’m a person like “judgmental” and “argumentative”
3. I think I’m a person like “trustworthy” and “manage to be self-control”
4. I think I’m a person like “tend to be anxious” and easy to be disturbed “
5. I think I’m a person like “tolerant to new experiences” and “complicated”
6. I think I’m a person like “modest” and “quiet”
7. I think I’m a person like “thoughtful” and “warm-heated”
8. I think I’m a person like “reckless” and “carelessness”
9. I think I’m a person like “calm down” and “stable”
10. I think I’m a person like “favoring tradition” and “low in creativity”

Calculation of TIPI score

1.Converting question number 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. For example, if you get 7, it should be 1, 6 to 2, 5 to 3, 4 is just the same, 3 to 5, 2 to 6, 1 to 7. Like that.
2.Multiplying question Number 1 and 6=Extroversion
Multiplying question Number 2 and 7 =Harmony
Multiplying question Number 3 and 8 =Honesty
Multiplying question Number 4 and 9 =Neuroticism
Multiplying question Number 5 and 10 =Openness
3.Lately, dividing each scores by 2 for getting a mean score.

A guide of TIPI score
Extroversion:mean 4.44, standard deviation=1.45
Neuroticism:mean 4.83, standard deviation=1.42(the more stabilized, the higher value)
Openness:mean 5.38, standard deviation=1.07
Harmony:mean 5.23, standard deviation=1.11
Honesty:mean 5.40, standard deviation=1.32



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