
The Great Enemy to Anti-Aging : I itemize 10 Foodstuffs which ease Chronic Inflammatory from High Efficiency

It’s almost certain about preventing or restraining yourself from inflammation and oxidation stress is a diet. And here is one of interesting article from 2014 showing you and I also try to collect 10 foodstuffs which you want to take based on my biased opinion.

There are many components that broccoli has, such as vitamin-K, vitamin-C, vitamin-B6, vitamin-E, potassium, and magnesium, all of them have great effect for anti-inflammatory.
Moreover it has very much of anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effect thanks to its one of component called sulforaphane content.
Giving you a little tip that you’d better to chopping broccoli into small pieces and after more than 30 minutes, you will get more potent from that content.
Let’s me say it is the vegetable that come for anti-aging.

It’s been progression for celery’s potential that is saying celery has high anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ability. Specifically, it has high ability for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol so it is highly effective for heart diseases. Of course you can’t ignore that it highly suppress inflammatory, it is said it makes you be strong against bacterial infection. It’s one of unique characteristic high amount of potassium. Potassium extracts useless sodium from our body to balance mineral resource so result comes its huge advantage of ease inflammatory.

Bok Chou
Thanks to it has large quantity of vitamin-K, C, and A even high in these types in cruciferous vegetables.
These vitamins are highly good at preventing becoming oxidant agent also cancer. So bok choy is a good resource for compensating for these components.

Well, I can say salmon is the beast fish for omega-3(well, it’s because I seriously love it...) I may not need to explain about omega-3 for you because it’s been told being proven basic food of anti-inflammatory for many years so you probably know how it is great for anti-oxidant effect also good at chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arteriosclerosis. You might want to take it at least 500g for a week.

In fruits category, blueberry is the highly potentially powerful to anti- inflammatory and anti-oxidant thanks to quercetin. Some other study showed quercetin also is effective to cancer and when it was extracted from berries and ingested to enormously disordered patient’s intestine and their such intestine was healed drastically. Also other study showed that person who eats more blueberry didn’t decrease their cognitive function than non-eater and more, they intended to improve their memory and smoothness of body. Here is a little tip for you to how effective to eat blueberry is you freeze it because when it’s frozen, you will get more its benefit to your body so I recommend you it because it is the cheapest and easy to store.↓

Chicken Broth
It is good for airway inflammation and interestingly may become sleeping resource thanks to some of nutrient that called “amino acid, magnesium, and glycerin” when you can’t sleep, drink it before going bed and sleep well. It is also great resource for anxiety.
You feel like you already want it to include your daily meal, don’t you?

It’s been using as certain supplement in oriental medicine acute improvement for poor blood circulation, also effective to anti-aging. Specifically its effectiveness for bronchial inflammation. You feel you like to add it to your daily meal.

Turmeric(Indian Saffron)
You may be interested in some from spices like turmeric because of it has curcuma as a necessary feature that is highly effective to anti-inflammatory that some studies showed.

Coconut Oil
It is high anti-oxidant and when it is used to cook with vegetables, will give a rise to their efficacy. I believe it is the most amazing oil in the world, and little tip that it is also good material for skin as a facial cream.

It’s been also said as one of healthy foods specifically its richness of omega-3 among any other nuts. You can add it onto any salads for yummy crunchy tastes. Have some for your stock from today!

So this is it for this time. Of course there are more foodstuffs that I can’t show you because too many like leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, a kind of colza, and Chinese chives they are all significantly high anti-inflammatory foods you should consider to have them too. Well there is nutritional balance for a diet so firstly take fruits and vegetables a lot like you feel full then get a salmon or a tuna or a meats. Sounds good? Bye for now then.
