
GENCON 1994にはなぜかForce  Majeure条項がない。



そこで、GENCON 1994を用いる場合には、Riderにて FMを追記することになる。下記は、BIMCOのTime Charter Patryにて用いられている条項ともであるが、こちらは航海傭船でも参考になる。但し、この場合GENCONで規定済みのGeneral StrikeやWar Risk等と抵触のないようにする必要がある。

Neither party shall be liable for any loss, damage, or delay due to any of the following force majeure events and/or conditions to the extent the party invoking force majeure is prevented or hindered from performing any or all of their obligations under this Charter Party, provided they have made all reasonable efforts to avoid, minimize or prevent the effect of such events and/or conditions
(a) acts of God;
(b) any Government requisition, control, intervention, requirement or interference;
(c) any circumstances arising out of war, threatened act of war or warlike operations, acts of terrorism, sabotage or piracy, or the consequences thereof;
(d) riots, civil commotion, blockades or embargoes;
(e) epidemics;
(f) earthquakes, landslides, floods or other extraordinary weather conditions;
(g) strikes, lockouts or other industrial action, unless limited to the employees of the party seeking to invoke force majeure;
(h) fire, accident, explosion except where caused by negligence of the party seeking to invoke force majeure;
(i) any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either party.
The party seeking to invoke force majeure shall notify the other party in writing within two days of the occurrence of any such event/condition.

