
On aberrant those who perceive themselves as "normal"

When you look into an abyss...The abyss looks into you

F. Nietzsche
  1.  Why do humans hold the illusion that they themselves are "normal" and compliant with society? The answer is simple: because they constitute the majority, lacking discernment and imagination to understand what it means to be an outsider. They are mere zombies, mindlessly conforming to the prevailing atmosphere.

  2. Those who engage in independent contemplation are labeled as mere glitches within the system, stigmatized as "abnormal." They have been collectively branded as witches, heretics, madmen, deviants, or the disabled, marked as outcasts destined for marginalization.

  3. Throughout history, it has always been the aberrant individuals who have revolutionized the world. "Normal" human beings are merely components, devoid of independent thought, surrendering to the ebb and flow of existence.

  4. To abandon aberrancy and embrace normalcy may seem like an easy task. One simply needs to cease thinking and comply. Ignorance is deemed a strength, akin to following Big Brother's lead. However, the vice-versa is not as straightforward. Once they have embraced normalcy, individuals become enslaved by conventional thinking, incapable of deviating from established thought patterns.

  5. Normal human beings exhibit a strong aversion to anything that deviates from themselves, whether it be in thoughts, attitudes, social status, educational background, or family structure. They are truly repugnant Swine. Unfortunately, eradicating them is impossible. They proliferate and permeate society like cancer cells, spreading their influence far and wide.

thumbnail: the abyss of hell, Sandro Botticelli
