
Luke’s Story 76-100『ふつうになりたい』Struggle to become an ordinary person


(もしかして、ボクは特別扱いされているの!? たぶん!?)


Luke hid behind someone or a tree, but Mary quickly found him.

(Am I treated differently from others in a good way?  Probably!?)

Luke was deeply touched, as it was his first time being treated more favorably than others.




(Mary is a genius! We just met two months ago, and I haven't shown myself in a good way at all. How can she discover my good points in such a short period?) thought Luke.

(She looked like an ordinary teacher at first but has such lovely eyes, too!)





(Just one genius is enough,) thought Luke.

After that, he drew a line between the genius who could find his good points with little information and the others.

(I must please Mary.)

That was all he thought.
He did not care what the others thought about him.



Luke loved music very much. He had been singing a lot of songs since he was a kid.

Standing on a table, he pretended to be a singer, with his sister clapping hands and asking him to shake hands.




But it was not Luke but his sister who always got compliments. As she was pretty and a good singer, their relatives and neighbors were watching only her performance. Luke, therefore, did not want to sing in public anymore.

Also, there was another problem.




As Luke grew older, he came to realize "to sing in front of others" was equal to "Look at me." or "Watch me." That was just the opposite of his wish.

(To sing is a complete form of self-expression. I have to deliver my emotion with my voice. )

It was very uncomfortable for him to show his character using his whole body.




Flute and xylophone - Luke practiced very hard to please Mary.

When given homework to compose a song, he wrote again and again, using a lot of music notebooks.

They were all done where there was no one else, as he didn't want anyone to notice his making efforts for Mary.






But one day, Mary said there would be a singing test, which got Luke down.

(The time has finally come...

Will they keep watching me, my face while I'm singing, and will Mary too? No way.)

Luke, the pretend punk, didn't want his classmates to watch him going all out, let alone Mary, but he had no choice but to get a good score.





One can never sing well when looking down to hide their face.

(How can I sing a beautiful song while having no presence?)

Luke thought over and over.

(I've got it! I'll sing while standing up straight and motionless with a poker face!)

Luke practiced singing in front of a mirror, until late at night.





The day of the singing test had come.

While pretending to listen to the others' singing, Luke looked stealthily at the sheet with the lyrics and sang the song over and over again in his head.

(What if I sing the wrong lyrics?)

(Idiot's sitting there! What if he notices my singing with all my heart?)

He had several things to worry about, but as his turn was coming up, he quickly emptied his mind.




Luke sang until the end, trying to see Mary as little as possible.

Almost everything went well.

After finishing singing, he silently went back to his seat.






When the test was over, Luke's classmate came close to him and said. "John was comfortably nodding along with your singing."


(Is there a person in this world who loves my singing?)

It was just unbelievable for him, so when he went back home, he sang again and again by himself, listening to his voice.



At home, Luke was no match for his sister when it came to singing seriously. Instead, he competed with her on who could keep on singing the last note longer.

While his sister kept on breathing out, he fought back unfairly keeping on the last note by quickly breathing in and out.


Or Luke made his sister laugh by doing something hilarious while singing, which he never did at school.


And Luke had become a harmony singer, with his sister as the main vocalist, but..





(But now, there is a guy in this world who loves my singing! That clever John!)

Luke felt as if he were a winner in some contest.

After the singing test, he sang the song again and again and again when there were no other people. Being the only audience, he could sing as hard as possible.

At home, he made his sister shake with laughter, and at school, he came to act like a boy with no presence.



(If my grades improve, Ms. Histery may talk about me in the teachers' room, which may please Mary, ) he thought, and that encouraged him to begin to study not just music but also other subjects.





When Luke was walking along a corridor, he heard someone singing.

(He is imitating my singing style!)

Luke quickly noticed the bullies were making fun of him.

What was more, the boy singing the song was the one who had usually gotten bullied by them.




Luke was finally filled with rage.

(Why does God leave their bullying as it is while never missing my wrongdoing?)

Then he threw powder at the leader with all his might and put a conspicuous mark only God could see and erase.





(I know God will be pleased if I forgive those who hurt me, but there's something unforgivable.)

Luke continued to throw the powder by the force of his will until he was sure no one but God could erase the mark.

Finally, Luke could take a load off his shoulders.

(God is sure to find it.)




The following week, Luke found a big lump on the bully's head.

(Has God already judged him? Did He find the mark? No way!)

The bully stayed quiet to keep a low profile until the lump disappeared, during which all those bullied enjoyed their school life freely.






(I may have extraordinary power.)

Luke heard there was a psychic who could bend a spoon, and he thought he might be able to do the same.

Luke DID bend a spoon, delighted, ran to his family, and demonstrated it.

With a loud laugh, they said,
"Don't use your finger."

Then he tried to bend a spoon only with his mind.

Nothing changed.





Getting good grades and quitting pretending to be a bad boy, Luke got rid of the bad reputation he had created by himself.

He was now writing a personal statement to submit to the Academy of the Ordinary based on two things that would probably please ordinary people.

One was that ordinary people supported society, and the other was that he wanted to be a backseat player.良い成績を取るようになり、不良のフリをやめると、自分で作った悪いイメージをなくすことが出来ました。




Getting good grades and quitting pretending to be a bad boy, Luke got rid of the bad reputation he had created by himself.

He was now writing a personal statement to submit to the Academy of the Ordinary based on two things that would probably please ordinary people.

One was that ordinary people supported society, and the other was that he wanted to be a backseat player.




The day of the entrance exam finally came.

At the end of the test paper, there were questions like; Write down your hobbies and the person(s) you respect."

Luke wrote as advised by his teachers: the most common answers.






Luke could pass the exam of the Academy of the Ordinary thanks to Mary, or maybe by his supernatural power.

The day of graduation was coming soon. Luke wanted to give something to Mary as a token of gratitude. He decided to give her a message card that was easy to throw away if Mary wanted to.

Luke wrote ordinary words of gratitude with all his heart, with his self-portrait and a tulip.
