
Luke’s Story 151-175『ふつうになりたい』Struggle to become an ordinary person






Luke realized he was singing with too much emotion.

(If I get caught, they'll surely say I'm weird!)

Then he came to know a boy who could whistle through his teeth. He could whistle while keeping a straight face, so it was hard to tell he was whistling.

(COOL!) Luke thought and tried to whistle every day until he finally could make a sound.

"I can hear music." Someone next to Luke said sometimes.

"Really?" he replied.





"A man is known by the company he keeps.

Stay close to good friends. They will surely have a good influence on you," the teacher said.

"I know! I know!"

Luke shouted in his mind.



If I'm surrounded only by ordinary people, I'll surely be the same!

If I become an ordinary person, everything will be all right!




It was difficult for a weird boy to get surrounded by a lot of ordinary people, but luckily, he could have caring friends with beautiful hearts during lunchtime, though it was not always fun.

As Luke was forgetful, they often let him know his schedule for the day and which things to bring.

Not knowing what to give them in return, he said "Thank you."



One day, Luke wanted to say something funny in return for the kindness of his lunchmates and told them a small joke ordinary people might think of.

Surprisingly, they laughed out loud.




(You are laughing that loud at this small joke!) Luke nearly dropped his jaw.

(...That means funnier jokes must startle them... I should be careful not to overdo...)

Then he began to tell small jokes in return for kindness.




People laugh at something out of the ordinary.

Luke, whose goal was to be an ordinary person, wondered why people are so eager to show their weirdness, something embarrassing.





There were a few classmates who were too ordinary to show any presence.
(I'm so jealous...

Perhaps they were born with that character as a gift from God...) thought Luke.




Luke was sick and tired of standing out though he didn't mean to.

"You are like a manga character," said his classmate, implying that Luke was not ordinary.





”Luke! Long time no see!”
”Sola! How have you been?”

Luke ran into Sola, his singing friend who had moved to a different school district. They enjoyed sharing memories of their school day for a while, but Sola suddenly said with a serious face. "Do you know why Tido stopped singing with us?"


What Sola said after that was so shocking it nearly turned Luke's brain upside down.




"Ms. Hystery told Tido to stay away from us."

Sola was so kind to say "us", but it was clear their former homeroom teacher had meant "Luke."

Luke had never been so shocked he went speechless for a while.





(Why? We were only enjoying singing together,) Luke wondered.

(Oh, that means I was too good at acting a bad boy!)

To act a bad boy was to loosely wear a school uniform and glare with all his might at those he hated from a distance.

(But that’s not an excuse for treating me like that!)




Ms. Hystery was a strict teacher who always took the high road. Luke hated her but respected her until then.

(Was Hystery that stupid? She couldn't see the real me!)

(If I ever meet her again, I will ask her for sure,

"Aren't you ashamed of having done such a thing secretly? The teacher must love their students equally! At least they must try!")





"Your clothes say a lot about your personality. Avoid outlandish clothing, choose basic colors, and always be neat and clean.

(I got it! Ordinary people can judge me only by my appearance.)

Luke started to put on simple clothes when he went out. He especially liked "navy" ones as the color seemed to remove his weirdness.







"I heard B.B. said you were smart," Michael said with a wondering face.

"Did he? Really?"

Having rarely been praised at school and by such a clever classmate, Luke was delighted.

(I also wonder why, but B.B. knows who I am! He must be a genius!)

Luke secretly became a big fan of him since then.





B.B. didn't like popular music.

( I can't believe there is somebody who doesn't like pop music!) Luke was surprised.

B.B. didn't like the way pop singers sang, either.

Luke thought he had to be careful not to get caught singing by B.B.



Luke also saw B.B. sighing while looking at someone's drawing.

(Oh, B.B. dislikes manga style! He must love the orthodox art style. I must be careful not to disappoint him with my weird drawing!)



Thus Luke began to make efforts to become an ordinary boy. He did his best in front of B.B.

Luke wanted to become a special servant of the most clever and strongest boy he had ever met, such as taking a role to polish B.B.'s favorite pot and holding a light until he comes back to receive his words of thanks.




B.B.was respected by everybody for his exceptional intelligence.
Above all, he had a unique point of view.

"I know you look nicer without the fake nose and mouth."

Luke was surprised to hear that from such a sophisticated person.




As said by B.B., Luke stopped drawing his nose and mouth the next day.

"What happened to your nose and mouth?" everyone asked him with a curious look, but as soon as Luke told them what B.B. had said, they stopped asking.

(Huh? Doesn't anyone think my real face is strange???

Woo-hoo!! This ordinary school is as awesome as I expected! )




(次元が違うから、自慢話も面白いなあ!B.B. は鼻の穴も膨らまさないし、聞いていて全然疲れない!)

What B.B. said was sometimes too difficult to understand, but as Luke usually got sleepy when talking with someone, that was like novel music he had never heard.

(I have little idea what he's talking about, but that's fun!)

Moreover, B.B. didn't beat around the bush before he bragged. It was a concise story on another dimension.

(So interesting! His nostrils don't flare when bragging! I don't get tired at all!)




By stopping to draw his nose and mouth, Luke also wanted to show B.B.his loyalty, too.

Luke decided never to tell B.B. he wanted to be his servant, because he thoght he would end up becoming just one of many if he said so.

(If he's really smart, he can tell what I think. Any small job is fine. I will work hard to receive his praise!)



B.B. sometimes made fun of those who did foolish things, but everybody seemed to accept it, as he was way too smart.

Since no one talked back to what B.B. said, Luke began to think intelligence was the greatest weapon.




Luke remembered that stories of successful rehabilitation from juvenile delinquency always followed the steps of entering a school, getting smarter,
and finding a good job.

(That means many people think studying hard and getting smarter can change their impression, because they respect such people, too, which means I can offset my weirdness if I can create an image of being smart!



Luke thought getting a good score on a test was a shortcut to creating an image of being clever, so he studied only those subjects that were easy to memorize, such as history and language. Ordinary intelligence, in other words, to be looked upon as clearly above average, seemed enough to offset his weirdness. He knew he couldn't be like B.B.
