
 Existential Number Theory Universe and Existence

  Existential Number Theory
       Universe and Existence


Unless you understand existential number theory,
you cannot see the true universe.
Can you do it?
I believe you can.

Why existential number theory?
Why does it have to be an existential number theory?

Natural numbers are numbers that are counted in this way:
after 1 is 2, after 2 is 3, after 3 is 4, after 4 and so
In the act of counting these chains, people realized that
everything has a cause and effect.
At the same time, people believed that everything has a
beginning and an end.
People also learned that natural numbers are numbers that
can express the quantity of things.
And,natural numbers led people to think about the endless
quantities of things, and led them to the concept of
For humans, the concept of infinity is deeply
uncomfortable and creates an indescribable sense of
∞ : Can you imagine how large an infinite quantity
would be?
What is infinity?

This incomprehensible infinity is very confusing to
What happens if you count quickly, using closer
intervals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, …?
Furthermore, making the interval infinitely small creates
an unbroken string of numbers rather than a chain of
individual numbers.
( This infinitesimally small sequence of natural numbers
becomes indistinguishable from and equal to real
numbers. )
Einstein's theory of relativity describes space-time as
an unbroken continuum. (manifold in quantum mechanics)
Time becomes a continuous, uninterrupted flow, and space
has a continuous, uninterrupted range of positions.
If the units of size used to describe space-time were
made infinitely small, then space-time itself would
become infinitely large in comparison.
This has something in common with the well-known paradox
of "Achilles and the tortoise."
All paradoxes are true in the world of ultimate numbers,
but not in the world of existential numbers.
The incomprehensibility of infinity that this continuity
brings about gives people a helpless sense of anxiety.
To avoid this, humans have placed limits on the size of
Based on some observational evidences, the universe is
believed to have begun with the Big Bang and is currently
roughly 14 billion light years in size.
But, people are also uncomfortable with the idea that
the universe exists alone and is finite in size.
This inevitably leads to the idea that there is a parent
universe from which child and grandchild universes are
born one after another.
This brings us back to the chain of causality.
Time flows infinitely, space expands infinitely.
Humans cannot escape this infinite chain.
Conversely, even in a finite time and space, one cannot
escape discomfort, just as one cannot escape infinite

What is infinity?
What is finite?
What is nothingness?
And what is existence?

As existential number theory shows, there is nothing
infinite or finite in the universe.

 ( Note :
these evidences for the Big Bang are
evidences for existential number theory. )

The universe of existential number theory is not one in
which the size of space-time changes due to gravity, as
suggested by Einstein's theory of relativity.
The smallest unit of space-time required must be an
unchanging world represented by existential numbers.
Einstein's theory of relativity
  C / T = constant
However, in inertial form
T is time and C is the speed of light  

Relativity in existential number theory
  Jv / T = constant
Here, T is the proper time, and Jv is the relative
velocity of space-time or the proper velocity of
elementary particles expressed by the existential number

Nor is it a universe in which elementary particles exist
as explained by quantum mechanics.
How on earth are elementary particles created from
In reality, no one knows or can answer that question.

The concept of energy has never been more useful than in
explaining the mechanical motion of objects.
This convenience gives the feeling that energy controls
all matter.  

In the world of existential numbers, matter does not
In other words, a world without light, heat, sound,
energy, force or motion.
Furthermore, as shown by existential number theory,
there is nothing infinite and nothing finite in the
universe itself.
This world of existential numbers is a completely
different universe from the one you know, and it is
the essence of the universe.

Some omitted

The universe that each person experiences is their own
unique universe, and there are no intersections.
If a person who is aware of the universe ceases to be
aware of the universe, then that person's unique universe
will lose its meaning in existence.
It becomes a world of ultimate numbers.

Why and how is the human universe the present?
How would you answer this question in the world of
existential numbers?
In the world of existential numbers, time and space as
humans think them do not exist.

The world of existential numbers is expressed as a bias
in space-time due to self-relative and mutual-relative
Within this chain of space-time, bubbles of the world of
ultimate numbers are born, and their movements behave
just like those of elementary particles.
Elementary particles have structure on the outside, but
inside they are a world of ultimate numbers with nothing.
The elementary particles move due to fluctuations in the
bias of space-time around them.
Within these various chains of relative space-time
relations, the universe as we know it arises as a fiction
in the world of existential numbers.

These particles have their own structure and their own
The primary structure with one structure is a photon, and
the secondary structure with two structures is an
And each of these electron structures has its own unique
time and velocity.
However, each unique velocity J is constant with respect
to its own unique time T, and they all have the same
  J / T  = constant
This action creates an antecedent space-time and a
subsequent space-time, and the subsequent space-time
moves as if it is attracted to the antecedent space-time,
as if the bubble had gravity.
And, each particle maintains its own velocity and
influences other particles in terms of their direction of
movement, but they do not collide.
Its behavior is explained as the mechanics of existential
number theory.

The theory of relativity based on existential number
theory in opposition to Einstein's theory of relativity.
The theory of bubbles created by the self-relative and
mutually-relative nature of space-time in existential
number theory in opposition to Bohr's quantum theory.
The bringing into existence of an illusory world through

    Please excuse any typos, omissions,
           or strange wording.

 「 Throw away the 'prejudice'
   Be 'skeptical' in everything
   Have a strong 'inquiry spirit'
   Pay close 'attention' to
   Then you will surely find the correct answer 」
                Advice from the author
「  ’偏見’を捨てなさい
    そうすればきっと正しい答えが見出せる 」


 "  What you don't know
   is neither shame nor incompetence
   It is a shame and incompetence
    not to make an effort to know.  "
                  From the author  
「 知らないことは 決して恥でも無能でもない
  知ろうとして努力しないことが 恥であり無能である」


  「 Ask, and it shall be given you ;
    seek, and ye shall find ;
    knock, and it shall be opened unto you ;  」
                   Matthew 7:7
  「 求めよ そうすれば 与えられるであろう
   捜せ そうすれば 見いだすであろう
   門をたたけ そうすれば あけてもらえるであろう」
              マタイによる福音書 7:7

         矢 口 隹

       吾  唯  知ヲ  呈ス  
      I only present my knowledge.


    意見や反論等は EMail ;にてどうぞ
 If you have any opinions or counterarguments,
 please send us an email;


