
Traditional potion for masculinity by Jozu

This is found in the number of mobile herbs and in the various herbal medicines on the market. The increased use of Chinese herbs in Indonesia is also associated with many types of plants in the country. Indonesia is listed as one of the plant-rich countries. 

But are medicines made from natural ingredients absolutely safe to take?

Herbs can be made from leaves, flowers, stems, roots, fruits and even seeds.
These ingredients are then processed and packaged in capsules, tablets, oils, saliva, or beverages in the form of tea. An example of a plant that is often consumed as a Chinese herbal medicine is Surikaya. Due to its use of natural ingredients, it is believed that it is safe and easy to try, especially if it has been used for generations.

Temrawak, cumin and cinnamon are probably familiar to your ears. This herbal plant is very easy to find in Indonesia. Unfortunately, many people are still unaware of the health benefits of these plants. Perhaps even today only a handful of people are using it. Homeopus and Natural Health Practitioners, Tjok Gde Kerthyasa, BHSc (Hom.), And ADHom, said that the body of herbal plants generally has multiple benefits. "The benefits of herbs are more than just a function. Chinese herbal compounds are still intact, so active compounds in their natural form synchronize more easily with the body's metabolic system," Tjok Gde said Wednesday in Central Java. I mentioned it in a discussion at the Deltomed Laboratory Factory in Wonogiri. (February 26, 2016). Of the hundreds of herbal plants that have been studied for their benefits, here are four of them.
1. Temurawaku Temurawaku is known as a liver protectant or liver protectant. The part of the plant used is usually a rhizome or stem that extends underground. Ginger rhizomes contain curcumin, xanthrizole, and essential oils, as described in the book "Top 100 Medicinal Plants in Indonesia" published by the Ministry of Health's Center for Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Research and Development. In addition to preventing liver disease, turmeric rhizome formulation can increase bile and lower cholesterol and triglycerides. "Many people have liver toxicity problems due to their lifestyle, stress, and proper diet for ginger consumption," said Tjok Gde. Temulawak is also thought to relieve joint pain, is anti-inflammatory, laxative, and increase milk production.

2. Meniran Meniran. Includes wild plants found in fields, rocky soils and moist forests. Menilan extract has been clinically proven as an immunomodulator or to increase tolerance. You can see that the roots and leaves of menilan contain many flavonoids. Empirically, menilan is used to treat malaria, relieve kidney stones, ulcer pain, and relieve bladder and urethral infections or inflammation.

3. Black Cumin Like Menilan, black cumin is more widely used to boost immunity. Black cumin contains millistate, miristoleate, pamitrec, margarate, linoleic acid, behenic acid, and lignocaric acid, as cited in the publication of the Ministry of Health's Center for Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine. .. "Black cumin is often for the immunity of people who get typhus. It's also very suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections," said Tjok Gde. Black cumin is also rich in antiviral, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. Tjok Gde said it helps protect other functions: the respiratory system, improve brain function, overcome insomnia, and protect the body from the effects of stress.

4. Cinnamon wood is very popular as a spice or as a cooking spice. The material used is bark because it contains transcinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon is known to help balance blood sugar levels in diabetics. It is also thought to lower cholesterol, raise blood pressure, improve blood circulation and warm the body. By looking at these amazing properties, people should be able to take advantage of herbal plants. . . . 
However, Chinese herbs cannot be used arbitrarily. Although they are natural, not all herbal remedies are safe. Quoting from urmc.rochester.edu, there are many herbal remedies that have not yet been fully tested. Therefore, there are some herbal medicines that we still do not know if they are safe.
