
Quick Heart News 2024.04

April Reminder

The season of spring checkups and various preventive measures has begun.
Some of your dogs will be having their first checkup in a year.If you have any concerns, please let us know during the examination.Be aware that weight gain or loss may be a warning that tells you that there is a disease lurking somewhere.
In addition, please tell us about any other changes in behavior that can only be noticed at home.Please go ahead and capture on video any behavior that is difficult to communicate.
After the shots, please monitor your dog closely for any unusual symptoms.

Spring Sleep and No Dawn?

The life of a dog seems leisurely and sleeps from start to finish.It is true that on average, dogs spend about half of their day sleeping.
Puppies and older dogs sleep much longer.They also spend about 1/3 of their waking hours doing nothing.Sleep helps dogs with brain development, memory, learning ability, and immune system building.In fact, sleep-deprived dogs are more susceptible to infections and are more cranky.
When owners notice a change in their dog's sleep pattern, it is a sign of illness.
Young dogs are very curious and explorers.After a full run, they fall asleep and sleep deeply, but as soon as they wake up again, they are energized and ready to move again.
Dogs with diabetes, kidney disease, hypothyroidism, heart disease, and arthritis also sleep very well.Another thing to watch carefully is their reaction upon awakening.A long, deep sleep and a poor awakening (not waking with the slightest stimulation) are signs of illness.
As cognitive function declines, difficulty falling asleep or sleeping at night becomes more difficult.
If you notice abnormal sleep patterns, you should examine the dog to see if there is anything wrong.There are solutions to sleep problems caused by old age.You can do this by providing a comfortable bed or by adjusting the environment, such as the brightness, temperature, and sound in the room.Additionally, synthetic pheromone preparations can be used for overly anxious dogs.There are many things to consider before using sleep aids to see what is right for our child.
If you notice any of the above abnormalities, please visit us.

Socializing Kittens

Socializing kittens can be difficult and you may give up because of the old information that "you can't do that".In fact, even if you don't have to train them, "I forgive them because they're so cute!"I think you may think that it is.However, just as with dogs, socialization training can make a cat more lovable.
The optimal socialization period for cats is from 3 to 9 weeks of age, much earlier than for dogs, but actually this period is best spent with the mother cat.Ideally, you should start living with animals other than cats (including people) from the fifth week at the latest.However, we often welcome them into our family a little later in life, but we can still socialize them depending on how we do it.
The first step is carry training.Let them experience being able to eat tasty treats in a carrier.The next step is to acclimate them to people.Place a treat box near the front door and have the cat give you a single treat when you have visitors, such as a delivery person.Just be careful not to let them run outside.Ask friends who come to visit to give the cat treats as many times as possible.Ask them to play with toys, too.Never make loud noises.As they gradually become accustomed to people, it will be okay for them to laugh loudly.
And even though the optimal socialization period is up to 9 weeks, learning can continue after that.Give him fun, positive experiences as an adult cat.Sit," then a treat, "high five," then a treat.Keep talking to your cat no matter when.
