
What’s New 2024.04

We continue to provide appointment-based medical care

Although the infectivity of COVID-19 has stabilized, we continue to provide medical services mainly by appointment.The reason for this is that the appointment-based treatment system, which we started tentatively, allows for shorter waiting times and less frequent contact with other patients in the waiting room. Even if you feel sick on the day of your visit, we can make an appointment by phone in advance.
Even if there is no available time for an appointment, we will make a little bit of time for tests, etc., so please do not hesitate to ask for an appointment.
We would appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes of your time when other patients with sudden changes come to the clinic.
If you have a tight schedule after the clinic, please let us know at the reception desk.We appreciate your cooperation.

Spring vaccinations have begun

Rabies vaccinations for the 2024 fiscal year have begun.
We also offer blood tests for filaria and prescriptions for prophylaxis.
Please let us know if there are any problems with your regular medication or if you have any requests for preventive medication.There are a variety of preventive methods available, so you can choose from different medications and injections.
The rabies vaccination is an inactivated vaccine, while the mixed vaccine for dogs is a live vaccine.Please allow one week for the inactivated vaccine to be administered.The reverse, "live vaccine => inactivated vaccine," requires about a month's time.Please avoid strenuous exercise (such as walking to the dog park) and shampooing for a few days after the vaccination.On the day of vaccination, please keep your dog at rest and observe your dog carefully for fever and swelling of the face.
Also, please remember to tell us if you have any concerns on a regular basis.If it is difficult to express in words, please show us pictures or videos you have taken.If there is a problem with poop or pee, please bring the original if it is still there.

April Bulletin Board

The April bulletin board is on canine diarrhea and canine pancreatitis.
Dog diarrhea is a familiar symptom and we discussed what to do at home if you can't get to the doctor right away.I hope you will take a good look at the "Don't Wait and See" case.We are often asked the question, "Why does he have diarrhea?"There are numerous causes of diarrhea.We can't answer all of them, so we are giving you the top few that we can think of individually.
Diarrhea also lowers the owner's quality of life, as they have to clean up messes and clean up dirty butt hair.Early examination and early treatment are important, but there are things you can do to prevent diarrhea, so please learn how and try to prevent it.
We do tests to make sure that when you have diarrhea you do not have a scary disease.One of the scariest diseases is pancreatitis.Waiting can lead to complications from dehydration.
If you want to know, please come to the hospital waiting room this month and take a look.
