
単熟語問題再掲/Kindleのオーディオブック化/Brolly’s Podcast ep.10/げんきがでるかもしれない格言/レッスン募集のお知らせ/その他

週刊 English Motivator from HEA 2021年5月15日 Vol.30


・Kindleのオーディオブック化 by Miyo a.k.a kiki
・Brolly’s Podcast ep.10 by ˈmɪstə ˈbrɒli
・今週のおすすめ書籍 ※今週はお休みです
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Sarah (c    ) her words carefully.

ヒント:to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

How much would it (c  ) us to replace?

ヒント:to have a particular price
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

We (e    ) phone numbers.

ヒント:to give someone something and receive the same kind of thing from them at the same time
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

We were greatly (e    ) by the positive response of the public.

ヒント:to give someone support, courage, or hope
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

His back injury may (p   ) him from playing in tomorrow’s game.

ヒント:to stop someone from doing something; to stop something from happening
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

Teachers will never be (r ) by computers in the classroom.

ヒント:to be used instead of something or someone else; to do something instead of someone or something else
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The company needs to (i   ) performance in all these areas.

ヒント:to become better than before; to make something or someone better than before
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The bad weather is (c   ) problems for many farmers.

ヒント:to make something happen, especially something bad or unpleasant
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Giving up smoking (r   ) the risk of heart disease.

ヒント:to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The name was changed to (a  ) confusion with another company.

ヒント:to prevent something bad from happening
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

We are (r   ) money for charity.

ヒント:to bring or collect money or people together; to manage to get or form something
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I (t   ) in the gym for two hours a day.

ヒント:to prepare yourself/someone for a particular activity, especially a sport, by doing a lot of exercise; to prepare a person or an animal in this way
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Your opinion will not (a   ) my decision.

ヒント:to produce a change in someone or something
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The company was (p ) for breaching the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

ヒント:to officially charge someone with a crime in court
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I (p   ) him to be her husband.

ヒント:to suppose that something is true, although you do not have actual proof
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She (r   ) her career after an interval of six years.

ヒント:to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Details of the murder were (r    ) by the local paper.

ヒント:to make something known to someone
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I managed to (s   ) the last few steps.

ヒント:to walk with weak unsteady steps, as if you are about to fall
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

(S    ) are due annually by the end of January.

ヒント:an amount of money you pay, usually once a year, to receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine, etc.; the act of paying this money
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

He (t   ) that he was at the theater at the time of the murder.

ヒント:to make a statement that something happened or that something is true, especially as a witness in court
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Old people are particularly (v    ) to the flu.

ヒント:weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Eva was (a ) that she would not come.

ヒント:determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about something
Oxford Learner's Dictionarieより

Stop (d )! We're going to be late!

ヒント:to take a long time to do something or go somewhere
Oxford Learner's Dictionarieより

The hot weather was making us all (l ).

ヒント:feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anything
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

She's a (t   ) woman. She never gives up.

ヒント:that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She was unable to (s  ) a yawn.

ヒント:to prevent something from happening; to prevent a feeling from being expressed
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She was (e   ) as a genius.

ヒント:to praise someone or something very much
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I see my role as being a (c   ) for change.

ヒント:a person or thing that causes a change
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

He had (e   ) politics in favor of a life practicing law.

ヒント:to deliberately avoid or keep away from something
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She has a (p   ) to exaggerate.

ヒント:a tendency to a particular kind of behavior
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Has the jury reached a (v   )?

ヒント:a decision that is made by a jury in court, stating if someone is considered guilty of a crime or not
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I knew his opinion carried a lot of (c  ) with them.

ヒント:power and influence
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Meryl Streep has received many (a    ) for her performances.

ヒント:praise or an award for an achievement that people admire
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Don't believe all the (h  )—the book isn't that good.

ヒント:advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The town survives the (o    ) of tourists every summer.

ヒント:a strong or violent attack
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The allegations received widespread media (c   ).

ヒント:the reporting of news and sports in newspapers and on the radio and television
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

His (a   ) for dealing with children got him the job.

ヒント:natural ability or skill at doing something
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Mexico called for an immediate (c   ) of hostilities.

ヒント:the stopping of something; a pause in something
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She felt much calmer after the (t   ) of recent weeks.

ヒント:a state of great anxiety and confusion
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

the Indonesian (a    )

ヒント:a group of islands and the ocean surrounding them
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She has responsibility for the (p    ) of equipment in the company.

ヒント:the process of obtaining supplies of something, especially for a government or an organization
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

The tunnel is a brilliant (f  ) of engineering.

ヒント:an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength, or courage
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

We must consider all possible (c    ).

ヒント:an event that may or may not happen
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

a massive (i   ) of visitors

ヒント:the fact of a lot of people, money, or things arriving somewhere
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

an (a   ) for hospital workers

ヒント:a person who supports or speaks in favor of someone or of a public plan or action Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

These changes are bound to have widespread social (r    ).

ヒント:one of the large number of complicated and unexpected results that follow an action or a decision
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She continued to work without (r   ).

ヒント:a short break or escape from something difficult or unpleasant
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

He felt no (a   ) toward his critics.

ヒント:a strong feeling of opposition, anger, or hatred
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I'm in a terrible (p    ).

ヒント:a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Anger and compassion are both very human (t  ).

ヒント:a particular quality in your personality
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Dr George is one of the leading (p   ) of this view.

ヒント:a person who supports an idea or a course of action
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

a (d   ) between the two countries about the border

ヒント:an argument or a disagreement between two people, groups, or countries; discussion about a subject where there is disagreement
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより


He had to retire (b   ) (  ) ill health.

ヒント:used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

(  ) you (f   ) (  ) this type of machine?

ヒント:to have a good knowledge or understanding of something
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

Your daughter doesn't (t ) ( ) you at all.

ヒント:(not used in the progressive tenses) to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She is used to (d   ) (  ) all kinds of people in her job.

ヒント:to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to the person you are talking to, managing, etc.
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

(N   ) (  ) a miracle can save her now.

ヒント:only; no more/less than
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, (n ) ( ) (  ) the damage to the environment.

ヒント:used to introduce an additional thing that makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting etc
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

This machine won't (l ) you (  ).

ヒント:to fail to help or support someone as they had hoped or expected
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Sometimes we just (s  ) (  ) and watch videos all night.

ヒント:to stay up very late
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

Many working women (r  ) ( ) relatives to help take care of their children.

ヒント:to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

Suddenly, the group (b   ) (  ) (   ).

ヒント:to suddenly start laughing
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

A:“I'm sure he'll help.”
B:“Don't (b  ) ( ) it.”

ヒント:to rely on someone or something
Learner's Dictionariesより

It was (a ) ( ) impossible to read his writing.

Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Steve finally (c   ) (  ) the money he owed us.

ヒント:to give something, especially money, unwillingly
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

When the applause had (d  ) (  ), she began her speech.

ヒント:to become gradually less strong, loud, noticeable, etc.
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She has no relatives to (f  ) (  ) (  ).

ヒント:to use something or depend on someone’s help when dealing with a difficult situation, especially after other methods have failed
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

The flowers (g  ) (  ) a fragrant perfume.

ヒント:to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc.
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Could you (h  ) (  ) making your decision for a few days?

ヒント:to not do something immediately
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Reforms will (k  ) (  ) later this year.

ヒント:to begin to take effect
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

She can (r ) ( ) the names of all the presidents of the U.S.

ヒント:to say something from memory without having to think too hard
Oxford Learner's Dictionarieより

We aim to (s   ) (  ) poverty in our lifetimes.

ヒント:to get rid of something that is bad, unpleasant, or dangerous, especially by using force or a lot of effort
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

I did briefly (t  ) (  ) the idea of living in British Columbia.

ヒント:to consider an idea or a plan, but not very seriously and not for a long time
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

My grandfather (h   ) (  ) about the war all the time.

ヒント:to keep talking about something in a boring or annoying way
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

I need some time to (m  ) it (  ) before making a decision.

ヒント:to spend time thinking carefully about a plan or proposal
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

I'm happy with the way things have (p   ) (  ).

ヒント:(of events or a situation) to develop in a particular way
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより

Vera was (d   ) (  ) candy to all the kids.

ヒント:to give out an amount of food, money, etc. to a number of people in a group
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishより

How can I explain if you keep (b   ) (  )?

ヒント:to interrupt a conversation rudely
Oxford Learner's Dictionariesより



Sarah (chose) her words carefully.
choose:to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available


How much would it (cost) us to replace?
cost:to have a particular price

We (exchanged) phone numbers.
exchange:to give someone something and receive the same kind of thing from them at the same time

We were greatly (encouraged) by the positive response of the public.
encourage:to give someone support, courage, or hope

His back injury may (prevent) him from playing in tomorrow’s game.
prevent:to stop someone from doing something; to stop something from happening

Teachers will never be (replaced) by computers in the classroom.
replace:to be used instead of something or someone else; to do something instead of someone or something else

The company needs to (improve) performance in all these areas.
improve:to become better than before; to make something or someone better than before

The bad weather is (causing) problems for many farmers.
cause:to make something happen, especially something bad or unpleasant

Giving up smoking (reduces) the risk of heart disease.
reduce:to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.

The name was changed to (avoid) confusion with another company.
avoid:to prevent something bad from happening

We are (raising) money for charity.
raise:to bring or collect money or people together; to manage to get or form something

I (train) in the gym for two hours a day.
run:to prepare yourself/someone for a particular activity, especially a sport, by doing a lot of exercise; to prepare a person or an animal in this way

Your opinion will not (affect) my decision.
affect:to produce a change in someone or something

The company was (prosecuted) for breaching the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
prosecute:to officially charge someone with a crime in court

I (presumed) him to be her husband.
presume:to suppose that something is true, although you do not have actual proof

She (resumed) her career after an interval of six years.
resume:to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted

Details of the murder were (revealed) by the local paper.
reveal:to make something known to someone

I managed to (stagger) the last few steps.
stagger:to walk with weak unsteady steps, as if you are about to fall

(Subscriptions) are due annually by the end of January.
subscription:an amount of money you pay, usually once a year, to receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine, etc.; the act of paying this money

He (testified) that he was at the theater at the time of the murder.
testify:to make a statement that something happened or that something is true, especially as a witness in court

Old people are particularly (vulnerable) to the flu.
vulnerable:weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally

Eva was (adamant) that she would not come.
adamant:determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about something

Stop (dawdling)! We're going to be late!
dawdle:to take a long time to do something or go somewhere

Heart decorationThe hot weather was making us all (lethargic).
lethargic:feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anything

She's a (tenacious) woman. She never gives up.
tenacious:that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined

She was unable to (stifle) a yawn.
stifle:to prevent something from happening; to prevent a feeling from being expressed

She was (extolled) as a genius.
extol:to praise someone or something very much

I see my role as being a (catalyst) for change.
catalyst:a person or thing that causes a change

He had (eschewed) politics in favor of a life practicing law.
eschew:to deliberately avoid or keep away from something

She has a (propensity) to exaggerate.
propensity:a tendency to a particular kind of behavior

Has the jury reached a (verdict)?
verdict:a decision that is made by a jury in court, stating if someone is considered guilty of a crime or not

I knew his opinion carried a lot of (clout) with them.
clout:power and influence

Meryl Streep has received many (accolades) for her performances.
accolade:praise or an award for an achievement that people admire

Don't believe all the (hype)—the book isn't that good.
hype:advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is

The town survives the (onslaught) of tourists every summer.
onslaught:a strong or violent attack
/ˈɑnslɔt/、 /ˈɔnslɔt/

The allegations received widespread media (coverage).
coverage:the reporting of news and sports in newspapers and on the radio and television

His (aptitude) for dealing with children got him the job.
aptitude:natural ability or skill at doing something

Mexico called for an immediate (cessation) of hostilities.
cessation:the stopping of something; a pause in something

She felt much calmer after the (turmoil) of recent weeks.
turmoil:a state of great anxiety and confusion

the Indonesian (archipelago)
archipelago:a group of islands and the ocean surrounding them

She has responsibility for the (procurement) of equipment in the company.
procurement:the process of obtaining supplies of something, especially for a government or an organization

The tunnel is a brilliant (feat) of engineering.
feat:an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength, or courage

We must consider all possible (contingencies).
contingency:an event that may or may not happen

a massive (influx) of visitors
influx:the fact of a lot of people, money, or things arriving somewhere

an (advocate) for hospital workers
advocate:a person who supports or speaks in favor of someone or of a public plan or action /ˈædvəkət/

These changes are bound to have widespread social (ramifications).
ramification:one of the large number of complicated and unexpected results that follow an action or a decision

She continued to work without (respite).
respite:a short break or escape from something difficult or unpleasant

He felt no (animosity) toward his critics.
animosity:a strong feeling of opposition, anger, or hatred

I'm in a terrible (predicament).
predicament:a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do

Anger and compassion are both very human (traits).
trait:a particular quality in your personality

Dr George is one of the leading (proponents) of this view.
proponent:a person who supports an idea or a course of action

a (dispute) between the two countries about the border
dispute:an argument or a disagreement between two people, groups, or countries; discussion about a subject where there is disagreement

He had to retire (because) (of) ill health.
because of:used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something

(Are) you (familiar) (with) this type of machine?
be familiar with:to have a good knowledge or understanding of something

Your daughter doesn't (take) (after) you at all.
take after:(not used in the progressive tenses) to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father

She is used to (dealing) (with) all kinds of people in her job.
deal with:to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to the person you are talking to, managing, etc.

(Nothing) (but) a miracle can save her now.
nothing but:only; no more/less than

Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, (not) (to) (mention) the damage to the environment.
not to mention:used to introduce an additional thing that makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting etc

This machine won't (let) you (down).
let down:to fail to help or support someone as they had hoped or expected

Sometimes we just (sit) (up) and watch videos all night.
sit up:to stay up very late

Many working women (rely) (on) relatives to help take care of their children.
rely on:to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do

Suddenly, the group (burst) (into) (laughter).
burst into laughter:to suddenly start laughing

A:“I'm sure he'll help.”
B:“Don't bank on it (= it is not likely to happen).”
bank on:to rely on someone or something

It was (all) (but) impossible to read his writing.
all but:almost

Steve finally (coughed) (up) the money he owed us.
cough up:to give something, especially money, unwillingly

When the applause had (died) (down), she began her speech.
die down:to become gradually less strong, loud, noticeable, etc.

She has no relatives to (fall) (back) (on).
fall back on:to use something or depend on someone’s help when dealing with a difficult situation, especially after other methods have failed

The flowers (gave) (off) a fragrant perfume.
give off:to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc.

Could you (hold) (off) making your decision for a few days?
hold off:to not do something immediately

Reforms will (kick) (in) later this year.
kick in:to begin to take effect

She can (rattle) (off) the names of all the presidents of the U.S.
rattle off:to say something from memory without having to think too hard

We aim to (stamp) (out) poverty in our lifetimes.
stamp out:to get rid of something that is bad, unpleasant, or dangerous, especially by using force or a lot of effort

I did briefly (toy) (with) the idea of living in British Columbia.
toy with:to consider an idea or a plan, but not very seriously and not for a long time

My grandfather (harps) (on) about the war all the time.
harp on:to keep talking about something in a boring or annoying way

I need some time to (mull) it (over) before making a decision.
mull over:to spend time thinking carefully about a plan or proposal

I'm happy with the way things have (panned) (out).
pan out:(of events or a situation) to develop in a particular way

Vera was (doling) (out) candy to all the kids.
dole out: to give out an amount of food, money, etc. to a number of people in a group

How can I explain if you keep (butting) (in)?
butt in:to interrupt a conversation rudely




Kindleのオーディオブック化 by Miyo a.k.a kiki









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