
Healthy food for beautiful skin

Who doesn't want radiant, vibrant, young-looking skin? Everyone wants healthy, intact skin. Still, many of us find it very impossible to manage the skin, especially when we wake up and find large eyes on the nose and herpes on the corners of the mouth. The good news is that there is a way to prevent and treat common skin problems by checking in the foods we take.

Did you know that summer dry skin may be easily fixed with a handful of nuts? We are all listening to old sayings. We are what we eat. Often we ignore how our diet affects problems such as hair loss and oily skin. Most experts say that eating a balanced diet is the best way to gain your share of good food for healthy skin. Still, you can consume some specific foods to restore a healthy glow to your skin.

Perhaps one of the most important components of skin health is vitamin A. You can get it from low-fat dairy products. In fact, experts say that the health of our skin cells depends on vitamin A in our diet. Low-fat yogurt is also a “good skin food” because it is rich in Vitamin A and Acidophilus, a good “live” bacterium in the gut. health.

牛乳やヨーグルトの他に、果物や果実も肌に良いです。ブラックベリー、ブルーベリー、イチゴ、プラムには、皮膚に害を及ぼす可能性のある損傷から細胞を保護する多くの抗酸化物質と植物化学物質が含まれています。 「抗酸化力が高い」他の果物や野菜には、アーティチョーク、豆(黒、赤、ピントを引用した研究)、プルーン、ペカンが含まれます。サーモン、クルミ、キャノーラ油、亜麻の種子はすべて必須脂肪酸を提供するため、健康な皮膚にとって重要な食品です。





The exact amount you should drink each day varies, but no one argues for the role that good hydration plays in keeping your skin healthy and even young. If the hydration comes from pure, clean water (not a liquid such as soda or soup), experts say skin cells actually "please" because the body fluids help wash away toxins and impurities from the body. I will. With proper hydration, you will sweat more efficiently. Doing so also helps keep the skin clean and clear.

Everything we eat is not only part of our inner surface, but also part of the outer surface of our body. A healthy diet (healthy eating) does not have a skin care solutions and treatments that can replace. The healthier the foods we consume, the less stress we feel and the more beautiful our skin becomes.

For more:  https://suwameheya.com/top-10-healthy-foods-that-keep-you-full-for-longer/
