
3万円でこれを今度揃えよう"Let's get this next time for 3万yen."

街宣車"Megaphone car"


俺 me

一切極楽国土"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"

大日如来転輪聖王として世を仏法にて統治した事を述べ伝えに明日15時にダライラマ事務所へアポの面会へ行く"I will visit the office of the Dalai Lama tomorrow at 3:00 PM to discuss and convey the fact that I ruled the world as the Great Sun Tathagata, the Wheel-Turning Holy King, with the Buddha's teachings."

春の新作"Spring new releases"

転輪聖王とは?"The Wheel-Turning ?

浄土と交わる春分の2024/03/20 "Spring Equinox intersecting with the Pure Land on 2024/03/20"

⛩️❌卍🕊️エルサレム陥落🕊️❌⛩️卍The Fall of Jerusalem🐲

エルサレムを攻め入れよ→満州八旗よ"Enter Jerusalem" →"Manchurian Eight Banners"

主より"From the Lord"
