
π=3,14... // Pi=4/√φ =3,1446... Sonderausgabe π ist keine "transzendente Zahl", sondern wird mit vielen Zahlen in Verbindung gebracht. Wir akzeptieren "3,14159...", das nichts mit π zu tun hat, als "richtiges π". Umeniuguisu

π=3.14... // Pi=4/√φ =3.1446... Special Edition π is not associated with "transcendental numbers" but with many numbers. We accept ``3.14159...'' as ``correct π'', which has nothing to do with π. Umeniuguisu

π=3.14... // Pi=4/√φ =3.1446... Special Edition 2 Publish your paper. Why can't errors in calculating π be discovered even with computers? Please take a look at the invisible "secret of calculation" that causes this problem. Umeniuguisu

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