
How do I want to live my life? 

Just be free from everything.

Everything that I feel like I have to cling to. 

There is nothing that I really have to care about except my happiness.

My happiness and peacefulness are all that I need to keep going.

As I met my friend from New York after 10 years, I realized how precious it is to have a friend that you can talk to even after a long time.

It was as if we went back to our students life but our souls and thoughts are just a little bit grown up.

Its just that we've been through some experiences in our age.

The world might change. The culture, school, companies, and the society itself are changing. 

But I want to always remember that Its always me that take actions and move forward to become true self. 

I like my life in a small apartment in suburb Tokyo, but I want to start picturing myself visiting foreign countries again.

I also want to visit the beach every summer and feel the waves.

I want to try new things, like sea-kayaking and also I am grateful for my partner who brings new waves in my life.

I want to stand on my feet and enjoy spending some time with family and friends.

Until I feel I am OK in myself, I want to stand on where I am right now.

So the new adventure follows. 
