
JAG Convicts Arizona Sec. of State Adrian Fontes of Treason and Conspiracy to Carry Out Election Fraud
July 4, 2024
Michael Baxter

JAG Convicts Arizona Sec. of State Adrian Fontes of Treason and Conspiracy to Carry Out Election Fraud | Real Raw News

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Monday convicted Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes of treason, election fraud, and defrauding the United States of America, sentencing the Deep Stater to death following Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall’s loquacious argument painting Fontes as a Democrat operative who revered the Biden regime and whose lust for power overshadowed his sworn responsibilities to the people of Arizona.

As reported previously, U.S. Marines in May arrested Fontes at his Phoenix residence in May based on a declaration of facts that said he was scheming to undercount or “trash” Republican votes for President Donald J. Trump in the 2024 presidential election, essentially an encore performance of what the late Katie Hobbs and her evil associates did four years earlier. Fontes’ arrest also followed a video he created in which a Deep Fake facsimile of him warned Arizona Voters to be wary of Trump’s people using Deep Fake/Artificial Intelligence to misrepresent Democrat values.

As an aside, White Hats say it’s the Democrats who are deceiving voters through the political weaponization of Deep Fake technology. A Marine Corps Cyberspace Command source pointed to the relentless barrage of YouTube advertisements showing Biden saying, “Let’s cut the malarky,” and Obama begging viewers for five-dollar (or more) donations. The source said Cyber Command is convinced the Biden and Obama appearing in those ads are Deep Fakes.

I digress.

Monday’s tribunal seemed more a formality than an arduous effort to prove Fontes’ guilt. He appeared alone at the defense table because he had refused a JAG-appointed counselor and invoked his right to remain silent, despite having no rights as an “enemy combatant detainee.” He provided only a terse statement, insisting he was innocent and that Biden had indemnified him against prosecution—a get-out-of-jail free card, which Admiral Crandall, never one to shy away from a laugh at a detainee’s expense, showed the three officers JAG had picked to weigh the evidence against Fontes.

“I, Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, do hereby grant the Secretary of State of the state of Arizona, Adrian Fontes, full diplomatic protection and immunity against prosecution by local, state, or federal law enforcement, including all branches of the Armed Forces,” the admiral read from the original paper U.S. marines found in Fontes’ pocket at the time of his arrest.

The admiral tore the document into confetti that fell to the floor. “That’s what I think of your immunity, detainee Fontes. And by the way, it’s a forgery. Our handwriting experts figured out the signature, though Biden’s name, was written by a State Department snake, Director of Policy Planning Salman Ahmen. Yeah, we’ll be taking a good look at him. Even if Biden had signed it, it’s as worthless as you are,” the admiral said.

He then showed the panel a laptop that belonged to the late Katie Hobbs, which White Hats discovered only after she had stolen the gubernatorial election and was subsequently executed for treason. The admiral said he appreciated that Deep Staters had a propensity for retaining physical evidence of their crimes and directed the panel’s attention to a document she had sent Fontes in February 2023.

“Adrian, we’ll need a foolproof plan to pull a repeat of 2020; they’ll pay closer attention next time. It’s imperative we keep our positions, support our supporters, and do everything in our power to stop Trump from winning Arizona in 2024. If he’s in jail by then, great; if not, we have our work cut out. We’ll need better than Wi-Fi outages and whatnot to secure victories,” Hobbs had written.

“We’ll make enough Trump votes disappear to guarantee Biden wins our state,” Fontes replied to her in an email dated February 4, 2023. This time, we’ll make Trump lose by a landslide.”

The admiral locked eyes with the detainee. “What did President Trump ever do to you?”

“He’s not the fucking president; Biden is the president,” Fontes shouted, surging to life and breaking his vow of silence.

“You keep telling yourself that, detainee Fontes,” the admiral said.

He told the panel that although Hobbs was dead, Fontes, if set free, would undoubtedly use his authority as secretary of state to unlawfully influence the upcoming election, and asked the panel to find him guilty on all charges.

Their deliberation lasted five minutes: guilty.

When the admiral asked for sentencing recommendations, the lead panelist opined that Fontes should hang for his crimes.

The admiral scheduled Fontes’ execution for July 9.

RRN wishes everyone a happy Independence Day. Good things ARE happening. The bifurcation or balkanization of the Deep State is leaving it in shambles. The war’s not over, but the balance of power has markedly shifted in our favor.






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