



【2月7日(日)0:00 ~ 23:59:全作品ポイント5倍】


#アメジストアクセサリー #アメジストネックレス #アメジストペンダント #パープルアクセサリー #誕生石アクセサリー
#誕生石ジュエリー #誕生石ネックレス #誕生石 #パープルネックレス #パープルペンダント
#ガラス細工 #ガラス工芸 #フュージング #ガラスアート #ガラスフュージング

[Premium] February birthstone glass "Amethyst" chain necklace [Cotton string, silver 925 can be selected] New release!
[Premium], which is a little bigger than [Mini] and gives a solid accent, is born ☆ 彡
Uses shining glass that goes well with the noble color amethyst color.
It's a colon and cube size, so if you're wondering about the size of the birthstone, this is recommended (* ^^ *)

◆ For those who are viewing SNS, we will make birthstones other than February in advance ◆
◆ Please order amethyst and specify the number of months in the remarks column ◆
(Scheduled to be released sequentially after February)

★ creema: https://www.creema.jp/item/2685323/detail
[February 7th (Sun) 0: 00-23: 59: 5 times the points of all works]

◎ minne: https://minne.com/items/5947096
◎ Main store: https://kaleidoscope.shop-pro.jp/?pid=157344433
◎ Yahoo !: https://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/kaleidoscope-glass/pureamecye.html
◎ pinkoi: https://jp.pinkoi.com/product/9KfExHHy
(Purchase [@ kaleidoscope.glass] ⇒ Homepage ⇒ Go to each shop ♪)

#Amethystaccessories #Amethystnecklaces #Amethystpendants #Purpleaccessories #Birthstoneaccessories
#Birthstonejewelry #Birthstonenecklace #Birthstone #Purplenecklace #Purplependant
#Glasswork #Glasscraft #Fusing #Glassart #Glassfusing

* Google Translate is used *
