
It is no exaggeration to say that President Trump is the only leader who has dared to start preventing the world from being overrun by the Chinese Communist dictatorship.

It is no exaggeration to say that President Trump is the only leader who has dared to start preventing the world from being overrun by the Chinese Communist dictatorship.

Masayuki Takayama's book "Trump doesn't lie".
Last night, President Trump's criticism of the WHO was precisely as the title suggests.
I am proud that this column was the first in the world to point out the Tedros at the WHO (in the case of the recent virus outbreak), but the fact that China controls the WHO is truly the king of nakedness and should have been evident to any sane person in the world.
Yet, until President Trump spoke last night, not one of the G7 leaders, for example, spoke up.
All of them are suffering the most significant post-war damage because of this genuinely corrupt WHO and China.
It is no exaggeration to say that President Trump was right in one statement alone last night and is the only leader who has dared to start preventing the world from being overrun by the Chinese Communist dictatorship.
President Trump has shown the world that the U.S. is the world's leader.
He has shown that the U.S. is a world leader, something Japan should have done long ago with the U.N. and the U.N. Human Rights Commission, for example, by suspending its funding.
Trump mentioned this undeniable thing.
The U.S funds a quarter of the WHO's budget.
"Let's see what happens to the WHO when the U.S. stops funding it."
If Trump were Japan's prime minister, the Asahi Shimbun and others would be making a big fuss about his disregard for the U.N., as if they were poking at a beehive.
Many must have watched Prime Minister Abe's live appearance on NHK's WATCH9 last night.
Wakuda is new to the post, so there are extenuating circumstances that the tension has yet to dissipate.
But Arima is not the first time Prime Minister Abe has appeared live.
It was the third time, from my immediate recollection alone.
But Arima's expression before Prime Minister Abe was the same as ever.
Many of you must have noticed that his expression was that of a parent's enemy right before him.
I assume that his expression results from his daily words and actions.
In other words, his conversations with his close bosses when they eat and drink frequently are full of criticism of the administration and Prime Minister Abe.
When I saw him, Okoshi, Kuwako, and Arima chatting in an election special a few years ago, touching each other shoulder to shoulder in a highly intimate manner and smiling more than ever, I instantly understood that Arima and Kuwako's attitude was at Okoshi's behest.
They must be members of the Okoshi faction.

For example, their boss, who frequently bad-mouths them at the drinking table, suddenly appears in front of them.
It was the expression on Arima's face when he saw Prime Minister Abe in front of him.
I find Arima truly outrageous because the man who would not even say "Abe-san" to the prime minister of our country, arguably the best in history, repeatedly said "Ghosn-san," "Son-san,(Masayoshi Son)" and even "Xi-san," and looked at Kuwako with a smile that could not have been more appropriate. 
Many viewers must remember that he called Xi Jinping "Mr. Xi" many times in a friendly manner.
He had the same look and address toward Ghosn and Masayoshi Son, but toward Prime Minister Abe, he had the same look as if he were avenging his father's death.
No one in his right mind has forgotten the severity of his criticism of the administration during the "Morikake" affair.
To begin with, the people who control watch9 are people with brains who grew up subscribing to and reading the Asahi Shimbun.
Otherwise, they would not continue to include "I don't trust his character" as the primary reason for not supporting Prime Minister Abe in their frequent polls.
Prime Minister Abe is genuinely a man of the temperament of a well-brought-up boy, in the best sense of the word. 
He is a rare political figure with the best personality of any politician of all time, in every sense of the word.
The leaders of the G7 should all know straight away.

What they do not understand, and cannot understand, are the people at Asahi Shimbun, a company made up of lunatics, the opposition politicians who agree with them, the so-called human rights groups, the so-called cultural people, and the people who control NHK's news department.
Whenever President Trump says something quite decent, NHK always accompanies it with a comment as if it is for some arbitrary reason.
In other words, NHK is considering China.
It is no exaggeration to say, "What country's broadcaster is this?"
Everyone can see that Xi Jinping, the naked king, is out there doing stupid things.
Trump is a man who doesn't need to be afraid of anyone, much less China, and he has no reason to be scared of them, so he speaks straight out.
NHK employees, on the other hand, have brains made up of masochistic views of history, pseudo-moralism, and pseudo-political correctness,
they cannot be called journalists at all. 
In reality, they are nothing more than highly paid state employees. 
They are employees who call themselves newscasters, etc.; it is no exaggeration to say they have no reporting skills.
They are the ones who control NHK's news department, and they are the ones who are so foolish as to think that criticism of the administration is the mainstay of a journalist.
They are the ones who cannot even see the naked king or who cannot criticize him as much as the naked king, which is a strange group of people.
In other words, they are fragile against the power of the worst kind of people, but they criticize only the LDP government, even if they have to fabricate falsehoods.

2024/4/10 in Kyoto
