
What we must have, whatever we need to keep developing and achieving a stable world now, is to stop the anti-Japanese education of the Korean Peninsula and China.United Nations Commission on Human Rights!

the world now is to stop the anti-Japanese education in the Korean Peninsula and China
The Japanese take that fact seriously and feel the rage, which is not there anymore.
I sent the chapter on 2018-11-29.
You do not even notice the Korean economic growth, etc, only the paper tiger! The following chapter I sent yesterday, entitled Official Hashtag Ranking, Was ranked 7th at Kobe University.
It was the monthly issue of the monthly magazine Voice, but Kimura Kan, a professor at Kobe University who calls the Korean Peninsula a specialty, was contributing a strange thesis.
It is not that Korean politicians do not do so for popularity, as the Japanese controversy said that Korea is taking such an aspect. (He said that the support rate was high)
It was a strange editorial saying that the Korean economy grew and Japan did not have a big existence.
Kimura Kan, Japanese people have anger from the bottom of our hearts; we can not forgive them, against the present Korean style, because of the ugliness of their 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' it is against it.
Your paper that South Korea's economic growth has neglected Japan is a hundred harms and not a single gain.
You do not even notice the Korean economic growth, etc, only the paper tiger!
If indeed growing economically, why is the unemployment rate of young people over 20%?
Why? 'There is no salvation in Korea...It is Hell Korea...', as gig employment briefings by Japanese companies are flooded with numerous Korean youths!
Why do bridges built by Korean construction companies collapse here and there?
Why do you not notice that Korea has no actual technical capability?
Even Samsung is also a fact that even smartphones can not be made if Japan's world-class companies manufacture no extremely excellent parts; why don't you notice?
Kimura Kan is even in the slightest degree if you name Kobe University professor,
Unless it reveals the realities of the Korean economy, not only does they not deserve to be a professor at the university, but he is only a defender of Korea = Korean Peninsula.
Although this article was in a small column, it is not a mere reporter of Sankei Shimbun but an editorial board, but he was giving strange praise.
There are genuine reporters such as Masayuki Takayama, etc., in the Sankei Shimbun, 40 years, 30 years ago with Sankei Shimbun like chalk and cheese, which is now the best quality paper in Japan, but if it says whether it is 100% wonderful because it is a large household, it is natural that it is not so.
External maneuvering of the former Soviet Union (especially against Japan) was brought to light.
Mitrokhin Archive's publication and Levchenko's testimony showed that their maneuvering had spread to all the nationwide papers in Japan.
The Sankei Shimbun was no exception. 
Yamane Takuji, an editorial writer, revealed it was an agent of the Soviets and other national newspaper reporters (editorial board members).
The Korean Peninsula and China are the hostile countries against Japan in the world, thoroughly showing the fact that it is a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie.'
They are continuing to educate children anti-Japanese, but the reality is Nazism state=totalitarian state.
Promote hostility against Japan and maintain a centripetal force to the administration.
What we must have, whatever we need to keep developing and achieving a stable world now, is to stop the anti-Japanese education of the Korean Peninsula and China.
United Nations Commission on Human Rights!
Otherwise, the progress of the turntable of civilization, which is the providence of God, will cease, and the world will continue to fall into a dangerous and unstable state like now.
In other words, the United Nations people receive the most significant contribution from Japan, securing their high salaries. 
At the same time, the results that have participated in evil are unstable and extremely dangerous now.
It is not the administration's approval rating that Kimura Kan says the top, bottom, and so on.
Korea is a state where the history of the postwar nation itself is a state linked to the constitution and the textbook by measuring the centripetal power of the regime by fueling the hatred against other ethnic groups.
North Korea is no different from this and is one of the worst autocracies in modern times.
The Korean Peninsula is a neighbor of Japan.
China is the same.
It is not an advanced modern state such as France or Poland in Germany,
As defined by Hiroshi Furuta, Professor, University of Tsukuba, the world's best expert on the Korean peninsula,
How to cut off Japan's misery of having ancient autocracy as a neighbor.
Unmistakable A woman who is a North Korean spy jumped to the Asahi Shimbun's fabricating report and created an anti-Japanese group related to comfort women.
The Japanese take that fact seriously and feel rage, which is not there anymore.
Of course, the Asahi Shimbun has kept writing about the fabricated articles that made them material to attack Japan, which is no longer allowed.
If it is South Korea, A woman who is a North Korean spy jumped to the Asahi Shimbun's fabricating report. It created an anti-Japanese group related to comfort women, instigating hostility toward Japan, trying to defraud considerable money from Japan, and anti-Japanese propaganda activities spreading all over the world, including the United Nations.

2024/2/13 in Kyoto
