

神社といえばこの方!関西支部の尼僧、丹生かぐらさんからお墨付きをいただいた神社をリモートで視聴者の皆様と一緒に訪れ参拝をする開運!はぴ旅☆ コメント欄には視聴者の皆様のご祈願や感…




知り合いの能力者の方からお墨付きをいただいた神社をリモートで視聴者の皆様と一緒に訪れ参拝をする開運!はぴ旅☆今回は、奈良県の龍鎮神社の滝と川のせせらぎの音です。 コメント欄には視聴者の皆様のご祈願や感想などご自由に書き込んで下さい。 この動画を見る皆様に良いことがたくさん起こりますように。世界に平和が訪れますように。 はぴ Welcome! I visited Ryuchin Waterfall in Nara pre. in Japan where I recorded the sound of the murmuring of a stream, which will soothe your mind. This channel will cover the best shrines in Japan, especially my psychic friend recommends, starting from Kansai area where there are lots of greatest shrines in Japan including Nara pref. and Kyoto pref.. I would like you to have a wonderful time visiting each shrine virtually with me. Of course you can pray with me in the video. It does not matter whoever/wherever you are. Please feel an amazingly quiet and peaceful atmosphere each shrine offers which are the hideaways from the busy life of the big city. I hope watching this video would be fun and relaxing to refresh your mind. May peace and happiness always be with you. Thank you! Hapi



知り合いの能力者の方からお墨付きをいただいた神社をリモートで視聴者の皆様と一緒に訪れ参拝をする開運!はぴ旅第3回は、奈良県の龍鎮神社とその河の流れです。 コメント欄には視聴者の皆様のご祈願や感想などご自由に書き込んで下さい。 この動画を見る皆様に良いことがたくさん起こりますように。世界に平和が訪れますように。 はぴ Welcome! I visited Ryuchin Shrine in Nara pre. in Japan. This channel will cover the best shrines in Japan, especially my psychic friend recommends, starting from Kansai area where there are lots of greatest shrines in Japan including Nara pref. and Kyoto pref.. I would like you to have a wonderful time visiting each shrine virtually with me. Of course you can pray with me in the video. It does not matter whoever/wherever you are. Please feel an amazingly quiet and peaceful atmosphere each shrine offers which are the hideaways from the busy life of the big city. I hope watching this video would be fun and relaxing to refresh your mind. May peace and happiness always be with you. Thank you! Hapi


開運!はぴ旅☆龍穴神社 奥の院 Happy-go-lucky! Hapi travels great shrines in Japan!(Ryu Ketsu Inner Shrine )

開運!はぴ旅第2回は、奈良県の龍穴神社、奥の院の龍の穴とその河の流れです。知り合いの能力者の方からお墨付きをいただいた神社をリモートで視聴者の皆様と一緒に訪れ参拝をするこの企画、記念すべき第1回はこちらの神社です。 コメント欄には視聴者の皆様のご祈願や感想などご自由に書き込んで下さい。 実は龍穴神社を訪れたなら、期間が空いても良いのでその後に龍鎮(りゅうちん)神社をセットで訪れた方が良い、との事でした。ですので龍鎮神社の動画も後ほどアップしますので、よろしかったらそちらも是非ご視聴下さいませ。この動画を見る皆様に良いことがたくさん起こりますように。世界に平和が訪れますように。 はぴ Welcome! I visit Ryu Ketsu Inner Shrine in Nara pre. in Japan. This channel will cover the best shrines in Japan, especially my psychic friend recommends, starting from Kansai area where there are lots of greatest shrines in Japan including Nara pref. and Kyoto pref.. I would like you to have a wonderful time visiting each shrine virtually with me. Of course you can pray with me in the video. It does not matter whoever/wherever you are. Please feel an amazingly quiet and peaceful atmosphere each shrine offers which are the hideaways from the busy life of the big city. I hope watching this video would be fun and relaxing to refresh your mind. Thank you! Hapi


開運!はぴ旅☆龍穴神社(奈良県)Happy-go-lucky! Hapi travels great shrines in Japan!(Ryu Ketsu Shrine in Nara pref.)

開運!はぴ旅第1回は、奈良県の龍穴神社です。知り合いの能力者の方からお墨付きをいただいた神社をリモートで視聴者の皆様と一緒に訪れ参拝をするこの企画、記念すべき第1回はこちらの神社です。 コメント欄には視聴者の皆様のご祈願や感想などご自由に書き込んで下さい。 実は龍穴神社を訪れたなら、期間が空いても良いのでその後に龍鎮(りゅうちん)神社をセットで訪れた方が良い、との事でした。ですので龍鎮神社の動画も後ほどアップしますので、よろしかったらそちらも是非ご視聴下さいませ。この動画を見る皆様に良いことがたくさん起こりますように。世界に平和が訪れますように。 はぴ Welcome! I visit Ryu Ketsu Shrine in Nara pre. in Japan. This video will cover the best shrines in Japan, especially my psychic friend recommends, starting from Kansai area where there are lots of greatest shrines in Japan including Nara pref. and Kyoto pref.. I would like you to have a wonderful time visiting each shrine virtually with me. Of course you can pray with me in the video. It does not matter whoever/wherever you are. Please feel an amazingly quiet and peaceful atmosphere each shrine offers which are the hideaways from the busy life of the big city. I hope watching this video would be fun and relaxing to refresh your mind. Thank you! Hapi