Privacy Policy/プライバシーポリシー

This privacy policy indicates the policy to comply with when handling personal information of application users or information equivalent to it in the application provided by hamu_with_ (hereinafter referred to as this application).

Basic policy/基本方針

This app recognizes the importance of personal information and believes that it is a social responsibility to protect personal information. do. The information collected by this application will be handled appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.

Acquisition and Purpose of Use of Personal Information/個人情報の取得と利用目的

This app uses Unity Ads and Unity Analytics. Send information about applications installed on your device. This information is used to display appropriate advertisements according to specific device types, player settings language, game preferences, etc., and for developers and publishers to provide appropriate games. This information will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the provider below.
当アプリではUnity Ads及びUnity Analyticsを利用しております。端末にインストールされたアプリケーションの情報を送信します。これらの情報は、特定のデバイスタイプ、プレイヤーの設定言語、ゲームの好み等に応じて適切な広告を表示することや、開発者・パブリッシャーが適切なゲームの提供をすることに活用されています。この情報は下記提供会社のプライバシーポリシーに従い、取り扱われます。

Provider/提供会社:Unity Technologies
Privacy Policy/プライバシーポリシー

Changes to privacy policy/プライバシーポリシーの変更について

This app will comply with Japanese laws and regulations that apply to personal information, and will review the contents of this privacy policy as appropriate and strive to improve it. The latest amended Privacy Policy will always be disclosed on this page.

                                                                 Formulated on November 18, 2022
                       2022年 11月18日 策定
