
Langchain新機能: ChatModel用 のキャッシュメモリ

LangChain 0.0.213 から、ChatModelにもキャッシュがサポートされています。ChatModel用のキャッシュとしては、InMemory キャッシュと SQLAlchemy キャッシュの2種類がサポートされています。


InMemoryキャッシュの動作 🌵


import langchain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI

llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=1.0)

キャッシュを使用する場合は、langchain.llm_cache に InMemoryChache()を指定します

from langchain.cache import InMemoryCache
langchain.llm_cache = InMemoryCache()

# 初回まキャッシュに入っていないので時間がかかる。
%time llm.predict("Tell me a joke")

[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
{ "prompts":
 [ "Human: Tell me a joke" ]
} [llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [1.18s] Exiting LLM run with output:
{"generations": [
 [ { "text": "Why don't scientists trust atoms? \n\nBecause they make up everything.",
 "generation_info": null,
 "message": {
  "content": "Why don't scientists trust atoms? \n\nBecause they make up everything.",
  "additional_kwargs": {},
  "example": false } } ]
 "llm_output": {👈👈
  "token_usage": {
   "prompt_tokens": 12,
   "completion_tokens": 14,
   "total_tokens": 26 },
 "model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo" },
 "run": null
CPU times: user 31.2 ms, sys: 3.93 ms, total: 35.1 ms Wall time: 1.18 s👈👈

Why don't scientists trust atoms? \n\nBecause they make up everything.

# 2回目はキャッシュ上にあるため高速
%time llm.predict("Tell me a joke")


[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
  "prompts": [ "Human: Tell me a joke" ]
[llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [1.804ms] Exiting LLM run with output:
 "generations": [
  [ { "text": "Why don't scientists trust atoms? \n\nBecause they make up everything.",
 "generation_info": null,
 "message": {
  "content": "Why don't scientists trust atoms? \n\nBecause they make up everything.",
  "additional_kwargs": {},
  "example": false } }
 "llm_output": null,👈👈
 "run": null
CPU times: user 4.26 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 4.26 ms Wall time: 4.42 ms👈👈

Why don't scientists trust atoms? \n\nBecause they make up everything.

SQLiteキャッシュの動作 🌵

SQLiteを用いたキャッシュの場合も、In Memoryキャッシュの場合と同様にlangchain.llm_cacheに指定します。

from langchain.cache import SQLiteCache
langchain.llm_cache = SQLiteCache(database_path=".langchain.db")
%time llm.predict("Tell me a joke")

[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
  "llm_output": {👈👈
   "token_usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 12,
    "completion_tokens": 14,
    "total_tokens": 26
  "model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo" },
 "run": null
CPU times: user 19.6 ms, sys: 1.96 ms, total: 21.5 ms Wall time: 791 ms👈👈

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

# 2回目は高速
%time llm.predict("Tell me a joke")

  "llm_output": null,👈👈
 "run": null }
CPU times: user 5.68 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 5.68 ms Wall time: 5.8 ms👈👈

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!


最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました。 🦜🔗
