
GPT-4丸投げで画像生成: 風景編



こんばんは。Stable Diffusionのプロンプトを一緒に考えましょう。 

Negative prombt:


Positive prompt: "In a post-apocalyptic world, amidst the ruins of once-great cities, a small group of survivors band together to rebuild society and create a new hope for humanity."

Negative prompt: "In a desolate, dystopian landscape, the last remnants of humanity scavenge for resources while battling constant threats from hostile forces and the harsh environment."



"Captured on positive film, the sun casts a warm glow on a post-apocalyptic landscape where remnants of human civilization peek through the encroaching wilderness. Crumbling structures, faded signs, and abandoned vehicles evoke a sense of nostalgia and melancholy for a bygone era."

Negative prompt:
"Through the lens of a positive film, a desolate scene unveils a world where nature has all but erased the last traces of human civilization. The few remaining artifacts, swallowed by overgrown vegetation, serve as a somber reminder of the fragility of mankind's creations."



Prompt: "Through the nostalgic lens of positive film, the once-bustling city is now a mixture of sunken streets and structures reclaimed by the forest. Nature flourishes in the nooks and crannies of this post-apocalyptic world, displaying a serene yet haunting beauty that tells the story of humanity's past."

Negative prompt: "Captured on positive film, a dystopian landscape reveals the unstoppable force of nature as it engulfs a once-thriving city. Submerged buildings and streets overtaken by the forest serve as eerie reminders of the impermanence of human civilization, leaving only whispers of a time long gone."



Prompt: "In a strikingly realistic scene, half-submerged buildings emerge from the water, their reflections dancing on the surface. The once-paved streets are now covered in moss and cracked by the roots of trees that reach skyward, intertwining with the remains of the human world. Vines crawl up the sides of crumbling walls, and rusted streetlights bow to the relentless force of nature. In the distance, a dense forest creeps ever closer, casting a shadow over the remnants of a civilization long past."

Negative prompt: "The harsh reality of a world reclaimed by nature is laid bare in this haunting image. Floodwaters have consumed the lower levels of buildings, leaving only their skeletal structures exposed. Overgrown forests encroach upon the desolate cityscape, shrouding the ruins in darkness. The once-bustling streets now lie in ruins, scattered with debris and tangled with the unyielding grip of nature's advance."




