
Happy Mother's Day

明治から大正、昭和へと生きる覚悟と理想を持ち続けた杉本鉞子さまが、日々の暮らしの大切さを丁寧な言葉で紡がれた作品、A Daughter of the Samurai (武士の娘)。

国境を越えて人を感動させる力がある作品、A Daughter of the Samurai(武士の娘)。

世界的なコミュニケーションの手段になる芸術作品、A Daughter of the Samurai(武士の娘)。



−As Mother handed the mirror-case to Sister, she said the same words that every mother says to a bride. She told her that now she was to go forth bravely to her new life, just as a soldier goes to battle. "Look in the mirror everyday, " she said, "for if scars of selfishness or pride are in the heart, they will grow into the lines of the face. Watch closely. Be strong like the pine, yield in gentle obedience like the swaying bamboo, and yet, like the fragrant plum blossoming beneath the snow, never lose the gentle perseverance of loyal womanhood."  

 −A Daughter of the Samurai: Two Ventures (Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto)



鉞子さまからつながるご縁と広がる友情の輪に、そして当時高校生だったわたしに鉞子さまのこと、生涯の一書 A Daughter of the Samurai(武士の娘)と出会わせてくれた母に心からの感謝を込めて。

                 2016年(平成28年)5月8日 母の日
