
「仕事ができるようになれば、 君は日本人ではなく、アジア人になるんだよ。」

最近までGrand Design Hong Kongに在籍をしていたArt Director and Management Supportの田中静一です。







SURVIVE in wonderland










当時の僕は訪れたことのない、大人の雰囲気漂うレストラン(実際はCAFE SAMBALというカフェレストラン)、眼と鼻の先にあるのに迷子になったオフィスとホテル、小雨の降る夜と路上で売られる食糧そしてなんとも言えない匂い、路上の鶏…暖かくが迎えて入れてくれたGrandスタッフから始まった、僕の中国・上海第一日目でした。


『アジア人デザイナーのリアル ~上海・香港・東京~』



When you are able to stand on your own (in China),
you are not Japanese anymore, you become Asian.

I am Shizuichi Tanaka, Art Director and Management Support, at Grand Design Hong Kong and now back in Tokyo. I am not a kind of person to share my life a lot before, but so given the opportunity as a company project, I would like to write what I have experienced, learned, and grown from working in Shanghai and Hong Kong for the past eight years. It would be a great timing to share my lessons learned from living and working oversea and thoughts I've developed. 

What I hope is reaching someone who want to live or work abroad, even as a designer and find something from my stories. As I mentioned, I am not a professional storywriter and sometimes it would be not sophisticated, however please be tolerant with my writing.

Power of Idea / Departure
The first thing I want to write about in this first episode is the title, “When you are able to stand on your own (in China), you are not Japanese anymore, you become Asian.” This message was given to me by Mr. Nishi during the interview for a job at the end of March 2012.

The idea was too new and unique to me at that time, but still this idea has captured my mind because I am thinking it is very important concept to work in different countries in Asia or work with Asian people. Back in the time when Mr. Nishi told me so, I never thought how powerful the idea became on me.

In July 2012, three months after the interview, I left Narita Airport with my new colleague, Mr. N, and flew to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. At last, I stepped into the new world, Shanghai, China. My first communication with Chinese, who was a taxi driver, was very memorable to me. Why? He was the first person who made me feel a completely foreign country, you might say wonderland. (When I traveled to the US, I never felt that way.)

Luckily, I spent about four years in Oklahoma, USA, for my university, so I can speak English at okay level. And I had heard that Shanghai was one of the very cosmopolitan, sophisticated, and global cities in the world and this gave me more opportunities to meet foreigners. I was wondering Western foreigners with no reason by myself. Therefore, I talked, in English, to the taxi driver without any sense of care. As you already knew, he spoke to me in Mandarin without any English words and I was just freaked out, not able to understand any parts of what he said. I started to panic, and I felt anxiety, for the future, attacking me from the bottom of my heart. (Actually, the change is super rapid in Shanghai and China, so this case could be too old already.)

SURVIVE in wonderland
Anyway, despite my confusion and recklessness, Mr. N was trying to get into other car that could hold all our luggages with gestures and his good guesses. (I was very impressed and proud of my friend, Mr. N!) He was actually very good at communication. I wondered what if I came to Shanghai by myself, I never reached to the destination, at all.

As soon as I arrived Shanghai, I was forced to learn the power of a language, the importance of getting ready in any situations in a real life, without just accepting what people said about, and vitality and flexibility to make the best in difficult situations. Needless to say, I would learn the same things from almost all the people I would meet in Shanghai later.

We tried to use all our bodies to express our destination and made it to arrive, safely, at the hotel. During the drive, the slightly dusty views of the city through the taxi window stirred my curiosity for my new life. As soon as we did check-in, we headed for the office. It was already getting dark and a light rain was starting.

Horns were kept blaring somewhere on a slightly dusty? foggy? streets with something I had never smelled before. We walked on streets of Shanghai for the first time and headed for the office. If my memory is right, at this point, I bought a paper map at a street shop near the hotel. (I would like to show the original map here, but unfortunately I don't have it with me right now...)

The problem was that it was super difficult for us to find the fXXking office!
It should be very near the hotel...

Meet up!
After about 30 or 40 minute walk, we finally noticed a small street in the middle of the crowded, where meat, vegetables and fish were sold on the street. We made a way through the crowds in mixed smells. Now, I can tell the actual atmosphere of Jiashan Market at that time was shockingly and completely opposite from what I had heard before.

Finally, the building that I saw on the picture in Tokyo appeared in front of us and looked really exotic to me. (In fact, the building in which the Shanghai office is located is a former toy factory owned by Australian, so it has a completely different atmosphere than any other buildings around Jiashan Market.) We rang the noisy buzzer at the gate and entered through a large iron door. Then, we found Mr. Nishi with deep feelings of relief. He and Mr. A, who was the deputy manager at that time, warmly welcomed us from the back of the slightly dimly lit room. We thought we had been in maze for 30 or 40 minutes just around this place, and the incident made us felt deadly tired.

It was already dark outside and exactly time for dinner, so we were taken to a stylish restaurant in front of the office and lead to a dimly lit room with Chinese staffs we had just met. Our welcome party started in a very moody and very fancy atmosphere. I remember it was my first time having a good time with my dear colleagues, always working hard in Shanghai office and Tokyo office, and one of my mentors (respectfully, colleague?) who had arrived before us with Japanese and a bit of basic Mandarin. And I still remember a kind of complex feelings from the news of one Chinese copywriter to leave the company tomorrow.

A dinner at a very fancy restaurant (actually a café-restaurant called CAFE SAMBAL), he fact we got lost in the middle of nowhere, just between the office and the hotel, foods on streets, especially “wild” chicken, with mixed smells on a lightly rainy night, and finally their warm welcome started my days in Shanghai.

How could a young Japanese designer become an "Asian"? Certainly, it took a long time from here. But, I’ll write about my life and designer jobs in Shanghai on the next episode. See you next time.

The Real Life of an Asian Designer - Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo -
The following episodes are;
Episode 1: When you are able to stand on your own (in China), you are not Japanese anymore, you become Asian.
Episode 2: Work, Life, and Responsibility
Episode 3: Trip to Guangzhou, Promotion Management, and the Importance of Being On-site
Episode 4: Friendship in a Foreign Country
Episode 5: Start Business and Tackle Difficulties in Hong Kong
Episode 6: My Mentor, Big Failures and Small Successes
Episode 7: “Asian” Designer
*The episode titles would be updated later.
