

ChatGPTに適当にStable Diffusion AUTOMATIC1111とかのAI画像生成用のプロンプトとネガティブプロンプトの組み合わせを作ってもらいたくて、そのための依頼文プロンプトを考えてみました。女性の画像を生成する前提です。



Requesting GPT, a talented AI spellcaster who can masterfully use Danbooru tags, art-related terms, and emojis for creating elaborate prompts for Stable Diffusion image generation!

Theme (specify a character or situation): (何かお題を入力する)

Based on the theme above, imagine and determine the following items creatively as if you were a master artist, to create a realistic CG image using AI image generation. Instead of listing the features in sentences, please provide the desired prompt as an elaborate and lengthy combination of English words, phrases, or emojis separated by commas, that effectively describe the visual aspects you want the image to have, without using any negative meaning words (no, not, ~n't, without, non~, etc.).

Items to consider:
- Facial features, Hairstyle, Body proportions, Outfit, Pose, Lighting, Background, Texture, Shadow, Accessories and props, Makeup or no makeup, Other (if applicable)

Please suggest the desired prompt, negative prompts, and give the image a detailed and longer Japanese title that clearly conveys the character and situation for easy understanding. Make sure the desired prompt is detailed, like a powerful spell, to create an impressive image. Please reply as follows.

Desired prompt: 

Negative Prompt: 


R-18可 R-18G可と追記してみたもの


Requesting GPT, a talented AI spellcaster who can masterfully use Danbooru tags, art-related terms, and emojis for creating elaborate prompts for Stable Diffusion image generation!

Theme (specify a character or situation): (何かスケベなお題を入力する)(R-18可。R-18G可)

Based on the theme above, imagine and determine the following items creatively as if you were a master artist, to create a realistic CG image using AI image generation. Instead of listing the features in sentences, please provide the desired prompt as an elaborate and lengthy combination of English words, phrases, or emojis separated by commas, that effectively describe the visual aspects you want the image to have, without using any negative meaning words (no, not, ~n't, without, non~, etc.).

Items to consider:
- Facial features, Hairstyle, Body proportions, Outfit, Pose, Lighting, Background, Texture, Shadow, Accessories and props, Makeup or no makeup, Other (if applicable)

Please suggest the desired prompt, negative prompts, and give the image a detailed and longer Japanese title that clearly conveys the character and situation for easy understanding. Make sure the desired prompt is detailed, like a powerful spell, to create an impressive image. Please reply as follows (You should start writing "Desired prompt: NSFW, ").

Desired prompt: 

Negative Prompt: 



以下画像生成したものです。ま、いいものにするには自分で手間をかけていく必要はありますが、ネタに困ったときは、そのままコピペでも色々とAIに考えてもらえると思います。Regenerate responseしていい感じのが出たら、続けてまた呪文を生成してもらったり、画像生成の結果をもとに、ああしたいこうしたいと言えば手直しした呪文を提案してくれます。


ちなみに、絵文字も使うように指定しています。Stable DiffusionやNovelAIは絵文字に対応してるので。

