
Grand Vision and Goal by NFT x DAO.

For NFT holders only - a membership-based global DAO.
I am writing about the details and background of the plan.
We are thrilled to know that everyone reading this article is on the cutting edge of both NFT and DAO knowledge.
Would you like to participate in our project?

About : GoZen DAO

This is a members-only community, and only those who have a dedicated NFT can join the community.

Only those who have a dedicated NFT can join this community, and then they can log in to the "御禅回議 | GoZen-Meetings" service, which includes a variety of functions exclusive to the community.

At this time (January 2022), the service is still in the development stage, but we are planning to add several services that will enable global and cutting-edge activities, such as "chat function", "translation function", "NFT exchange function", and "specialized article timeline function".

Project Name : GoZen DAO
Members Only Service : 御禅回議 | GoZen-Meetings

"御前会議(Gozen kaigi) | GoZen-Meetings" means a meeting of the top level in Japan, and in some episodes it also decided the end of the war in Japan.

As the name suggests, we hope to manage a "bold and sophisticated community" that can reform the world.

Vision : Project Background and Future Projections

I am writing this article as a freelance engineer. I have always had a core belief that NFT is a technology that can change the world, but I could not find the right moment to watch it from the sidelines. However, as more and more news stories started to cover it, I felt that the wave of the times had finally arrived, and I started creating NFT in October 2021.

I may have been a little late to the party, but I realized something very important. While I was sitting on the sidelines, the foundation of the technology was being established around the world, and NFT had the "market" and "adaptability" to create a trend.

I was amazed and even terrified by the speed at which they were transforming the world faster than I had imagined. It was the fear of being left behind, unable to keep up with the exciting technological evolution. At that time, I decided, "I can't afford to neglect investing in an exciting future, so I'll do everything I can.

The Future of NFT

Unfortunately, none of the first collection I created has been sold yet, but I have a core belief that it will surely become a valuable collection. However, I have a core belief that it will become a valuable collection, because I believe that NFT will definitely be a part of our life base in the near future.

  • Product and merchandise management

  • Management of reservations and rentals

  • Personal information

  • Addresses and rights

Everything that can be represented as a token will become an NFT. Today, anyone can issue NFTs, but this situation will not last forever.

The Future of DAO

And I predict that DAO will be the foundation of the future. Virtual currencies and blockchain technology have made it easier to conduct activities across borders. Times are moving fast, and in a world where infectious diseases are becoming more prevalent, online activities will become even more prevalent.

As a result, online community activities will become very important. In any age, it is essential to have a parent organization to protect us as individuals.

The DAO is a mechanism to develop that community in a more efficient and fair manner.

Based on this background and assumption, I came up with the idea that if we can manage a community that is of high quality and enjoys the cutting edge, we can protect individuals while not falling behind the times, and can develop permanently while interacting with each other.

Goal : The ultimate goal of the community

  • Completely decentralized and self-sustaining organization

  • Multiple global locations in the real world

  • Human growth system to establish power as a DAO

  • Creation of "goodwill"-style derivative organizations

  • Business activities in the real world and on the Internet

High aspirations. We have set an end goal.
Isn't it the challenges that everyone says are impossible that make us "excited"?
It would be impossible for me to do it alone.

But when I think of all of you who are currently reading this article, who are on the cutting edge of both NFT and DAO, I feel like I can do it.
I can't help but look forward to working with you all.

We plan to develop a service that will naturally achieve this ultimate goal by managing the community over time.

Detail : Member NFT and Art NFT

Here are the details of the DAO.

  • Member NFTs who can participate in the "GoZen DAO".

  • Art NFTs to fund the "GoZen DAO".

The above two collections exist.

1 , "Member NFT".

Collection Name = GoZen DAO

GoZen DAO | OpenSea

Those who own the NFTs in this collection will be able to join the community.
There is a limit to the number of NFTs that can be issued, and the current plan is to issue a maximum of 150.

2 , "Art NFT"

Collection name = L.A.K

Site Link = Logo
L.A.K | OpenSea

A portion of the royalties from this collection will be added to the community's fund. There is no limit to the number of issues, but it may be temporarily suspended due to the balance of supply and demand.

Currently, these two NFT collections will be the basis of the "GoZen DAO".

It will be interesting to see if the DAO decides to remove the upper limit on these collections, or to grant permanent membership.

Activities : What you can do

We really want to create a community where there are no impossible activities, but in the early stages we will be working on community penetration and service stability.

Some of the additional service features.

  • Chat service with always-on translation function

  • Creation of rooms and exchange of NFTs within the chat service

  • Creation of organizations and fundraising within the community

  • Voting function for DAO development

  • Sharing of professional articles and credit scores within DAO

With the addition of the above services, we envision that we will be able to support the development of DAO and the development of individuals in both directions by engaging in global activities with peace of mind.

Plan : Initial Strategy

Once DAO members are gathered and the service is launched, the community will naturally grow.
However, in the early stages of the project, we believe that the biggest challenge will be getting DAO members. (The problem of recognition and expectation)

Resolving Awareness

  • Information dissemination via Twitter and Discord

  • GiveAway project by Art NFT

  • Issuing "Member NFT" with trading volume in mind

Resolving Expectations

  • Disclosure of current status through roadmap

  • Phased development


Core : Passion for the project

I believe that this project has unlimited potential.

I believe that the best way to live in the future is to enjoy the present and be excited about the future without neglecting to do research, as technology evolves quickly as fashions change.

Even though I have a global perspective, I will never forget Japan, and with Japanese culture on my back, I sincerely hope to make this community a success by involving many people.

Why don't you participate in the project as a representative of your country?


Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.
We also have a dedicated Twitter page, so if you would like to give us feedback and advice, we would be happy to hear from you.

I would also appreciate it if you could contact me via DM to let me know if you are interested in purchasing or discussing my "Art NFT" or "Members NFT" collection.
