
What is GoZenDAO -Admission Pass-?

There are three NFT collections in GoZenDAO.
This article is about one of them, GoZenDAO -Admission Pass-.

What is an Admission Pass?
Granting a role in Discord
Login rights to the members-only service "御禅回議|GoZen-meetings".
It is a "NFT" and a "FT" with two roles.

Difference between FT and NFT

FT is different from NFT in that it is a mint of one data set into multiple tokens.
It is possible to generate multiple tokens with exactly the same ID, etc., so the unique authority of NFT is lost.

However, each token is assigned the same ID, which makes it easier to manage tokens.
We chose this token for the Admission Pass because it is suitable for membership participation only.

Gadgets To Use / What is NFT? How NFTs Work and Should You Invest in Them?

Why are there different types of token images in the system?

There are two types of token images: one using "Kanji" and the other using the "Polygon" currency mark.
This has two main meanings.

The first is a remnant of the NFT collection called "Artistic Kanji" that I created before launching GoZenDAO.
We had to pivot to the current form within two months,
but we felt that it would be an act of betrayal to lose the collection for Giveaway and the holders who purchased it, so we incorporated it into the new collection.

The other is to express our firm intention to provide the benefits and enjoyment of being a holder to everyone who has participated in any way, even once as a holder.

About Giveaway and AirDrop

This collection, especially "FT", is often used as a project item.
This is partly due to the ease of implementation in terms of management, but the biggest reason is that we can issue a large number of FTs at one time, so we can deliver them to a large number of people.

We hope that this will increase the number of members participating in the DAO, which in turn will increase the market awareness and the value of the collection and DAO.

This may seem like a contradiction in terms of supply and demand, but as awareness increases, the DAO will surely grow and each collection will be able to fulfill its original role.

About Staking

As with all GoZen -Admission Pass- , there is no limit to the number of passes you can own. We will be issuing more passes in the future,
but they may not always be available to everyone who wants to own one.

Also, GoZenDAO requires NFT membership, so if you are a current member and want to invite your friends or colleagues,
there is no way to get NFT except by purchasing a membership or through Giveaway.

Therefore, we recommend that you acquire NFTs for each campaign.

You are free to transfer your acquisitions or sell them when the price rises,
but we recommend that you keep as many as possible.

GoZen - Admission Pass -
