

英単語を効率よく覚えるには、例文で覚えることが大事です。 1記事に最低2~3個のキーになる単語が出できます。1日の記事に英文平均5センテンスとして、100日分を収録しています。 …
これまで多くの方の個人レッスンをしてきました。そのレッスンの中でも実際に使用している記事です。 T…


「prices 他」(英単語は例文で覚えよう!第29回)

①Income have not increased as much as prices, making it very difficult for the average …

「expense 他」(英単語は例文で覚えよう!第30回)

①Our new digital camera is equipped with revolutionary functions that allow anyone to t…


①The research team has made a significant finding, which could lead to new treatments f…


①Consumer preferences can vary from region to region, making it difficult for companies…


①The building's elevators stopped operating due to a fault in the electrical system. …


①By the way, these handouts contain confidential information, and are for internal use …


①A good strategy and an established sales network are essential to compete in a global market. 国際市場で競うために、良い戦略と確立された販売網は不可欠だ。 compete「競う」competition「競争」 strategy 「戦略」

「exchange 他」(英単語は例文で覚えよう!第38回)

①A competent salesclerk needs to be an expert in hospitality and a good diplomat. 有能…

「resign 他」(英単語は例文で覚えよう!第40回)

①Sony's workforce has a reputation for being the most highly educated and industrious i…

「 subscribe他」(英単語は例文で覚えよう!第41回)

①My training manager suggested I subscribe to the magazine to keep myself updated about…


①He is not only a successful author, he is also an accomplished pianist. 彼は成功した…


①He has worked hard for the past two years and deserves his promotion to chief engineer…


①Researchers all over the world are working hard on finding a cure for the new epidemic…


①Can I make a quick stop at the bank to withdraw some money? お金を下ろしに銀行にちょっと寄っていい? withdraw「引き出す、撤退する」 withdrawal「引き出すこと、撤退」