
Make $1,000,000 with just one email GOD WRITING Basic.

This is the essence of a $5,000 seminar that built an amazing business model with a single sales letter that generated millions of dollars in sales and 100% customer satisfaction in its first year.
It is written in spoken language to convey as much realism as possible. The content of this book is different from other teaching materials, so please read it over and over again to learn it.
If you are thinking of starting an online business, you will definitely find it useful.

Story writing based on brain science

There are a lot of copywriting materials out there.
I've looked at most of them.

Copywriting materials are specialized for selling.
You can write sentences that sell.

But in actual sales, the preparation before the sale is more important.
For example,
How well you educate people before you sell them.
How trustworthy you are.
These things are much more important.

If you just use what's written in copywriting textbooks, your emails will end up sounding like an agitation.

Of course, it is necessary to use essences.
Essence is at the top of the list, and technique is the concrete version of essence.
Once you understand the essence, you will know how to write copywriting.
Today, I'm going to talk about how to write an everyday email newsletter.

In the first place, it is more important to write an interesting email newsletter than a newsletter that sells.
This is because if it is interesting, it will naturally be read and sell.

What kind of email newsletters are read?

What is interesting will be read.
There are two main types of interesting things.
The first one is the one whose paradigm is the same as yours.
The second is when the paradigm is completely opposite to yours.

Even if you look at the same world, if your paradigm is different, what you see is completely different.
Even if you see the same movie or the same manga, you will see different things depending on who is watching.
Even if you see the same sentence, the same word, or the same word, you see something different in your mind.
For example, when you look at a clock.
Some people look at the hands of the clock, others look at the time.

You will never be able to convey what you want to convey 100% correctly.
Misunderstandings are created 100% at the stage of using words, at the stage of communicating through words.

So, when the paradigm is the same or completely different, people find it interesting.

I watch a lot of movies. I read a lot of movie reviews.

I read the reviews before I watch the movie, and I read the reviews after I finish watching the movie.
There are different ratings for different people. One star, two stars, and so on.
After watching a movie, there are two kinds of reviews that I find interesting.

It makes me happy to read a review by someone who has the same opinion as mine.
It's the same as what I thought.
“Oh, I know, I know, I know...”
“I know, I know, this was good.”
“I know what you mean, this guy.”

Another thing that I find interesting is a review from a completely different perspective than my own.
Oh, there's this way of looking at it.
He's looking at it from a completely different angle than I am.

Or, more specifically, an opinion that is a step higher than my own.
‟This person is amazing, he has this perspective.”
That's what I find interesting.

These are the two main things that I find interesting.

Next, I'd like to talk about some tips and techniques on how to outsource the creation of a large website or media.
This is not limited to media, but can be said for blogs and email newsletters as well.

First of all, you should basically divide your articles into two types.
The two types are educational articles and empathetic articles.

Episodes, experiences, are empathetic articles.

Educational articles give a person's point of view.

The trick to outsourcing is to have them write only empathetic articles.
Make them write only empathetic articles.

It would be nice if some of them could write educational articles, but there are very few.
Educational articles require a higher perspective and a bird's eye view than most people.
So even if you outsource it to someone else, they will almost never be able to write it.
People who fail in outsourcing fail because they let other people write the educational articles for them.

Outsourcing is not the way to write educational articles.
You can't have someone else write them.
Because a high level is required.

So, for example, if you are sending out information about love, you should collect sympathetic articles.
Never outsource the writing of “How to get back together!” articles.

Collect a lot of empathetic articles about the experience of being rejected.
You don't have to write many educational articles.
However, you must write them yourself.

The idea is to have others write empathetic articles rather than educational articles.
You can outsource it, or you can use readers instead.
Anyway, ask them to write a lot of their own episodes.
Collect a lot of other people's experiences.
Then you write educational articles.

Collect sympathetic articles from the readers of your e-mail magazine.
“Please share your experiences with me.”
This will create a good cycle.
More readers. The number of sympathetic articles increases. More and more.

The best way to get in is with an empathy article.
Gather a lot of people with empathy articles.
From there, connect it to educational articles.

Of course, you can write both.
You can include both in a single article.
Make people sympathize with you, and then connect to education from there.

The point is that there are two ways to make people feel interesting.
The empathetic article and the educational article.

An empathetic article can be written by anyone.
Just write the episode as it is and make it as vivid as possible.
The less abstract, the better. The more concrete, the better.

For educational articles, the more abstract and abstraction, the better.
The closer to the essence, the better.

(An episode is a practical application of know-how.
Know-how is more abstract than episodes.
(Essence is more abstract than know-how and episodes.)

In order of abstraction
Educational articles = Essence > Know-how > Episodes = Empathetic articles
Basically, we need to raise the reader's perspective and the level of abstraction.

For more people, empathetic articles are easier to enter.
From there, you can connect to educational articles.
The first step is to start with a low level of abstraction, an episode.

To sum it up, start with the reader's experience or a concrete episode to gather sympathy.
From there, gradually raise the level of abstraction and connect it to the educational article.

This is the essence of creating a large website.
You need to be able to control the level of abstraction yourself.

Most people who only study how to write copywriting can write sales letters, but they can't write daily email newsletters.
There are many people like that.

Their daily mail magazines are not interesting at all.
They can write a sales letter, but they can't write a daily email newsletter.
That's because they are relying on techniques.
You can't write interesting e-mails if you don't understand the essence.

On the contrary, it's better to write more episodic emails.
If you make it more specific, people may sympathize with you.
It's a little bit half-hearted, which is not good.
The point is that you need to be able to control the level of abstraction.

I'll add a little more about paradigms.

What you need to do when you write an e-mail magazine or a blog.
When you think about sending out information, you need to know what to do.
There are some things that you have to do in order to send out information.

It is to shift the paradigm of your readers.
You have to shift the paradigm of that person.
If you don't do this, you won't sell.

In sales seminars, there is often talk about “selling in the desert.”

If you want to sell water, you should sell it to people who are thirsty in the desert.

But in reality, there are no deserts. No such thing.
There is no such thing as a person who wants something right now, quite frankly.

Instead, you have to shift the paradigm of your readers.
That's why readers are thinking, “I didn't need this”, and “I don't need that.”
How do you reach them?
“Oh, I like it. I want this.”
That's the point, isn't it?

If you can attract the people who want it from the beginning, you can monopolize it.
For example, if you can gather a lot of people who want your product, it would be the fastest way.
But it's not easy to do that, is it?

So, how do you make people want your product when they don't want it at all?

In order to do that, you have to shift their paradigm in some way.

In order to shift the paradigm, you need to know what constitutes a paradigm.

There are two things that make up a paradigm.
The two main components of a paradigm are “priorities” and “labels”.
You need to remember these two things very well: priorities and labels.

What are “priorities”?
People always have priorities.
People prioritize various things.

For example, there are know-how that is highly reproducible, and there are know-how that is sold as 100% reproducible.

Well, most of them don't work out, even if you practice them.

At first glance, such know-how seems to be very reproducible.
It seems like anyone can do it easily.

That's what I call “theoretical reproducibility”.

But “theoretical reproducibility” and “actual reproducibility” are two different things.

What I mean by that is...
The theoretical reproducibility is great, but the actual reproducibility is very low.
This is because the priorities are different.

The reason for this is that people have different priorities.
For example, know-how that says, “If you work 6 hours a day for 6 months, you can make $10,000 a month.”
This is a highly reproducible know-how.

But many people can't put this into practice, right?
Even if they know they can make $10,000.
Even if they think it will probably work.

Well, if it really does work 100% of the time, they might do it.
But if it's, say, 80%, then no one can do it anymore.

It's because, in terms of their priorities, they have other priorities that are higher than taking six hours for that.

So, quite often.
The people who can't put the know-how into practice correctly end up doing something else.

For example, if their goal is to sell a product or service, they might say, “Yes, let's study design! “or “Let's study programming.”
They come up with all kinds of things.
Even though they don't have to do those things.

They don't have to do that, but they can outsource design. There are people who are good at it.
Why don't they just ask someone who can design for them?

They don't have to do it themselves. It's not necessary.
But, if they really want to do it, and they are passionate about it, then fine.

They should prioritize what they should be doing, what they should be doing, and put all their energy into that.

Most people have their priorities in the wrong order.
People who don't do well have the wrong priorities.
If they had their priorities right, basically everything would work out.

It's the same for people who get good grades in school, and it's the same for people who are successful in business.
It's about how you can create the right priorities.

The key to success is whether or not you can set the right priorities for yourself.
It's the key to success.
In other words, changing your priorities is the key to shifting your paradigm.

The other is called “labels”.

What is a “label”?
For example, an easy label to understand is.
For example, there are labels such as “positive” and “negative”.

For example, some people think that a event was a “plus” for them, while others think that it was a “minus” for them.

For example, one person may say, “I've been practicing this for a long time, but it's not working out at all. I really shouldn't have done this.”

For that person, the event is “negative”.

But then another person hears the story and says
“Yeah, but you've been doing this for a long time, so you have this kind of talent, don't you?
That's a great thing!” 

What happens is that what was labeled as “negative” in that person's mind is now labeled as “positive”.

This is what it means to shift the paradigm.

Because the label has changed.
From “negative” to “positive”.
Because he changed the label to “plus”.

In this way, the “label” differs from person to person.
Even when looking at the same thing.

For example, there is often “justice” and “evil”.
To some people, this is justice.
But for others, it is evil.

Or, “necessary” for this person, and “unnecessary” for that person.
This also has to do with priorities.

That's how “labels” differ from person to person.
So, how to change those labels is the “paradigm shift”.

If an ordinary person has a certain label.
When you present a label that is completely different from that label, the other person will think, “Oh, this person is interesting”.

That means they've adopted a new value system with a different paradigm.
They think,
“Oh, this is interesting.”
“This person's ideas are interesting.”

So I think it's good to practice that.
Try to think about it on a daily basis.

“People usually label things like this, but what if I dare to label things the other way around?”

I think it's a good idea to practice this on a daily basis.

When you think you are like this, try to put a different label on it.

Basically, a paradigm is something that you adopt.
People adopt the paradigm they want to adopt.
Even if you think, “I like this”, you are really just thinking, “I want to be the character that likes this.”

You're just adopting that paradigm because that's what you think.

So, for example.
When people buy a certain product.

They decide for themselves whether they are satisfied with that product or not.
People decide for themselves whether or not they are satisfied with the product they bought.
They decide for themselves whether they are satisfied or not.

In short, people have their own characters and identities, and they choose the values that fit them.

People, for example...
For example, when it comes to complaints.

Basically, people don't want to regret their purchases.

People don't want to regret what they have bought.

Because they don't want to admit that it was a mistake.
People don't want to admit that they made a mistake when they made the choice to buy something.
It is painful to have to admit that one's decision was a mistake.

So basically, they want to think that they are satisfied as much as possible.

But in reality, that is not always the case.

There are times when they have bought a product and think, “I knew it wasn't good enough.”

And what happens then?
What happens then is that they think, “It's not that I made a bad decision, it's that I was deceived.”

“I was made to make a different choice.”
“It's not my fault that I made a bad decision.”
“It's the fault of the person who sold it to me.”

This is the thinking of complainers.

The point is, the thought of a complainer is ,they don't want to think that their decision was wrong. They want to put the blame on the other person.

To go back a bit, people have different “labels” and “priorities”.
So the value of each person changes.

Differences in priorities and labels create value.
This happens even for the same person.
For example, 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night have different value.
Most people are different.

For example, if you were asked to sell your 10 minutes before going to bed at night for $10.
I think there would be a lot of people who would sell it.
They would say, “I don't mind if it's for 10 minutes, I can get 10 dollars.”
So, they sell it.
And then, when they wake up in the morning, they think, “Oh, no.
I'm going to be late. I'm going to be late, I'm not going to make it.”
“Okay, I'll sell you 10 minutes for $20.”
I'm sure there are people who would buy it.
This means that you can resell it.
You can buy it for $10 and sell it for $20.
That's an extra $10.
You can't actually do it, but this is the way of thinking.

The reason why resale and the like are viable is because “priorities” are different.
So the value changes, and you get paid for it.

In short, what you should be aware of on a daily basis is to shift your paradigm.
To do this, you should always try to think about whether you can adopt different “priorities” and “labels” that make up the paradigm.

How to create content, or rather, how to gather “stories” that will become content...
When you wake up in the morning, think of a theme for the day.
Set up an antenna. Decide on this antenna for today.
Decide what information you are going to collect that day.
Then, information will naturally come together.

If you buy something, it's a waste if you don't use it.
When you think “what a waste”, it's actually a chance to shift your paradigm.

Just as we were talking about this.
We went out to eat steak at night.
I chose the most expensive course and ate it.
I thought, “This most expensive course includes everything.”

By the way, as an aside, what is the key to making such a menu?

It is to create a variety of menus, make them all jumbled up, and then, at the end, say, “This includes everything.”
“This is all-in-one”.
That's what sells well.

Well, let's put that aside for a moment.

Back to the story.
I was eating a steak.
I was eating it, but it was too much and I was starting to feel sick.
I was full, but I felt like there was a lot left.
I thought, “What should I do?”
Then, for a moment, I thought, “What a waste to leave this behind.”

“What a waste” is a chance to create a paradigm shift.
And that day, “What a waste” was the key word.
So, I thought about it.
I wondered why I thought “What a waste” earlier.

The point is that I paid for the steak, and it came to me as a return.
But I didn't eat all of it.
So, I should have ordered the cheap course, but I chose the expensive course.

If I didn't eat it all, I would have to admit that my decision was wrong.

Why did I feel like it was a waste and that I didn't want to leave it behind?
Because of, I didn't want to admit that my decision was wrong.
That's why I didn't want to leave it behind. I realized that.

What I ended up doing was to leave it behind. In a situation where I would normally think that it would be a waste to leave it, I decided to leave it.

The standard of “wasteful” is based on money and steak.
That's why the idea of “wasteful” comes up.

However, if I were to force myself to eat, what would happen would be that I would feel worse and my stomach would be upset.
After that, my work performance would suffer. The reason for this is that more energy is used for digestion.

If I look at it from the point of view of money and steak, it's a waste to leave it behind.
But if I look at it from the perspective of energy, it's obviously more wasteful to force myself to eat.

After I changed my perspective, it became more beneficial for me to not eat.
This is what I mean when I say that “priorities” have changed.

To sum it up.
I used to prioritize money and steak as my only two priorities, so I thought it would be a waste to leave the food behind.

But when I shifted my paradigm and thought about it from the perspective of my energy performance, I realized that forcing myself to eat it all was clearly a negative thing. I realized that it was better to not eat the whole thing.

This is a paradigm shift, and just knowing this, in a way, convinces me that I'm glad I ordered it.

Thanks to my order, I was able to learn this lesson even though I wasted the leftovers.
I learned something new, something that fits the theme I was thinking about today.
Oh, thank goodness.

So this label that was “negative” has been changed to “positive”.
In this way, you can change your priorities and thereby change your label.
This is what I mean by creating a “paradigm shift”.

In this way, I try to come up with a theme for the day and change my priorities and labels accordingly.
Can I change my priorities?
By changing my priorities, what I thought was a “negative” became a “positive”.
It's a positive.
Or my behavior changes. My choices change.

It's about why people make different choices.
More to the point, why are successful people able to be successful?
It's because when they are given the same choice, they make different choices.

Some people choose “A”, while others choose “B”.
For the person who chooses A, they don't know why the other person chooses B.

Why is that? It's because their “priorities” are different.

Their priorities are different from his priorities.
That's why the psychology of wastefulness comes into play.

“Most people have this priorities, but I changed my priorities to this one.”
“As a result, I changed my priorities to these labels.”

This is a template that can be derived in many ways.
This is how you can create a mail magazine.

The key is to shift the paradigm of the reader first in this way.
If you don't shift the paradigm of your readers, you won't sell.
It won't sell if it's only sympathetic.

Because you're shifting their paradigm, your product will sell.
If you don't, you won't be trusted.
Even if it's just empathy, people will still want to read your e-mail magazine.
However, just being funny doesn't sell.

It's all about how you can educate people.
Education is about how you can provide a paradigm that the other person doesn't have.
To do this, you need to “prioritize” and “label”.

This is the first basic thing.
If you don't educate your readers, you won't sell.
I'm talking about before you start writing.

Now, let's talk about the actual writing process.
When you write, there are certain points to keep in mind.
There are certain things that you should definitely keep in mind.

There are a lot of copywriting textbooks out there, and I don't know what to do with them.
There are a lot of rules and rules of what.
Those things are interesting as textbooks, but they are hard to use.
To make matters worse, the people who make them often don't use them.

Copywriting materials can be made by reading a lot of books.
You can make copywriting materials by reading a lot of books on behavioral psychology and the like.
You just need to collect them and systematize them.
There are a lot of things in the books that the authors themselves don't put into practice.

In short, it's interesting as an academic subject. Readers can feel like they are listening to a magic trick being revealed.
When you explain the logic of how people behave in this way.
You feel like you're listening to a magic trick being revealed to you.
You feel like you've learned a lot, but when it comes to where to use it, you're not sure.
That's what happens.

So, of course, it's better to learn such things, but...
But first of all, I think it's good to remember that this is all you need to know.
You should be aware of this every time. That's the first thing you should learn.

There are three things to consider.
<Slogan> + <Story> + <Offer>
It's a sandwich.

<Slogan> + <Story> + <Offer>
Whenever I write, I keep this in mind.

<Slogan> + <Story> + <Offer>
Write with these three things in mind every time you write. Whether it's a blog or anything else.

Make sure you remember them.
<Slogan> + <Story> + <Offer>

People who succeed in business are those who are good at one of these three things.
If you are not good at any of them, your business will not be successful.

I'll explain each of them.

The role of the slogan!
A slogan is the beginning.
The role of the slogan is to make the reader want to read it.
It makes people want to read it.
The only role of a slogan is to make people read it.
The point is that it doesn't need to have any other role than that!

For example, if you want to sell a product, the slogan does not have to make people want to buy it.
The role of a slogan is to make people want to read it.
It doesn't need to do anything more than that.

This doesn't apply only to sales letters.
You should be aware of this every time you send out an email newsletter, or even an audio newsletter.
Today, I'm going to talk about something like this.
It is important to say this at the beginning.

And the point of the slogan is...
“Benefit” and “Transformation”.
The key is to be able to say these correctly.

The key to a slogan is to be able to say “Benefit” and “Transformation”.

Benefit means,
“If you listen to this, if you read this, you'll get this good thing.”
Transformation is.
“As a result, you will change in this way.”
It's better to include this in your presentation. Every time.

And it doesn't matter how trustworthy you are.
If you don't have a slogan, people won't read it.

For example, if you're a little busy today, you can say.
“I want to read this, but I'll read it later.”

Most of the time, once that happens...
And then you get a bunch of newsletters.
“Oh, it's piling up. I haven't read this one, so I'm not going to read this one either.”

So you start to accumulate more and more unread.
And as they accumulate, you eventually stop reading.
“I don't care anymore. I don't want to read any more.”

That happens quite a bit, doesn't it?
The reason for this is that the slogan is weak.

What would happen if the slogan was strong?
“Well, I'm busy, I'll get back to it later...
But I really care about this...
I'm really curious about what writing, I'll read it. I'll read it anyway.”

‟I'll read anyway.
I'm busy, but...
I'm busy, but I'm really curious, so I'll just
read it for a while.
Just a quick read.”
This is the role of the slogan.

So, every time...
You should be aware of the slogan.

<Slogan> + <Story> + <Offer>
You can think of it as a sandwich.
You have to put them in throughout the entire process.

Slogans should be included here and there, not just at the beginning.
I think it's better to put words here and there that make people want to read more.

Story, the whole story.
And the offer, when you write a slogan, you are making an offer to open it.

I've deliberately separated them, but I think it's better for you to be aware of the whole story.

Or, as I mentioned earlier, it is important to properly include “benefit” and “transformation”.

“I'm going to talk about something like this today”, and
‟I'm going to tell you that you'll get this good thing just by reading this e-mail.”
Even a simple statement like that can make a difference.

Even if it's blunt at first, I think it's better to write it consciously.
This is the slogan.

And the story.
The story part is what shifts the paradigm.

As I mentioned earlier.
Change their priorities, or change their labels.

You adopt a different set of priorities from the ones that everyone else has, the ones that normal people have.
You use stories to do this. Episodes.

You use your own stories to change their labels and priorities.
In short, you can say, “I had an episode like this. There was an event.
In response to that, I did something like this.
This is what I did, this is what I thought.”
That's how you can create a story, right?

So what do you do then?
If you were a normal person, you would label the event as such.
If you were a normal person, you would prioritize it in this way.
And then, what would happen if you dared to put the opposite label?

You put it up once to try it out.
You try it once, and then you ask yourself, “What will happen if I put it on?”
In other words, try putting it up and see if you can't create a legitimate logic for it.

‟What happens if I put it up?”
When you think about it, you wonder if you can make a reasonable logic for it.
When you think about it like that.
‟I was able to create an interesting logic that made sense.
If I put it this way, it sounds right, doesn't it?
So, let's adopt this paradise.”

So, you don't need to have such an unusual opinion yourself from the beginning.
In the first place, there is no such person.
Everyone just adopts the paradigm that they want to be this character.
So there's no need to have it from the beginning.

Dare to adopt the paradigm that you find more interesting.
And the more you adopt it, the more it becomes true.
So it becomes your priority.

When you switch, and your priorities become like that, your life will actually be better.
In this way, you can deliberately adopt a different paradigm and create logic with that paradigm.
By creating logic, you will naturally become that mind.
That's the way it should be.

This is “Not Normal”.
It's not “abnormal”, it's “not-normal”.
In other words, there is a logic to it.
You have to have logic.

For example, if you suddenly make a strange noise on a station platform. This is not good.
Because there is no logic.
It doesn't make sense.
It's like he's crazy.
That's not good enough.

There must be a logic to it.
Some kind of logic.

But the logic is so unimaginable and unthinkable to the average person.
“Wow, this guy is amazing.”
‟It's amazing how different paradigms can be.”

In other words, the story should show that the paradigms are different.

Of course, at first, people will sympathize with you if the paradigm is the same.
If the paradigm is too different, the reader can't get into the story in the first place.
They start out synchronizing on the same part of the paradigm, and then they see different parts of it.
By doing so, the reader feels that it is interesting.
This is the story.

And the last one is the offer. Offer.

When you think about offer, you absolutely have to be aware of your ‟trust balance”. ‟Trust balance.”

You have to make the basic assumption that your trust balance will be consumed for every offer.
For example, there is a mistake that everyone often makes when producing various newsletters.

What it is, for example, is that they just post a link, just a download URL.
They would do it by saying, “Please listen to this free gift first, please.”
Well, it's fine to give away the audio, but there's no explanation.
It's a weak offer.

From the perspective of the person offering it, it's a free gift, so they feel that the person receiving it should be happy.
“I'm giving this away for free.
It is really good.”

But from the reader's point of view, ‟Why do I have to read this?”
It's like, “Why should I listen to you?”
It's like, “Why should I follow you?”

In other words, you have to explain what the benefits of listening to this voice will be for the person.
Without this explanation, they won't listen.
If you don't have this, they won't listen to the audio.

That's why you have to make it right.
By listening to it, what good will it do.
What kind of positive effect will it have on them.
And what kind of changes.
What kind of transformation will occur.
If you don't write that part, you should think that you won't be heard.

Of course, making an offer consumes your trust balance.
The important thing to remember is that even if they reject your offer, your trust balance will still be consumed.
The offer is consumed even if they decline it.

For example, you gave them a free audio gift, but they didn't listen to it.
Well, most of the time they don't listen.
If the audio is 30 minutes long, people often only listen to the first few minutes.
They listen to the first few minutes and then get tired.
They think, they will listen to it again later.

Why is this so?
Because there is no “benefit” and “transformation”.

‟This is what I am talking about in this audio.”

“When you listen to it, you'll hear this good thing! this change will be!”
So, they think, “Where is it?
That's how they become more aware.
It's the same with the newsletter.
If you say at first, ‟I'm going to talk about this today.”
, and if you let just their mind set at the beginning, people will read it because they want to know about it, and they won't give up in the middle.
They want to know about it, so they don't give up.

I mean, what happens if you don't make your offer attractive?
Even if they decline the offer, your trust balance will be consumed.

They read your newsletter because they think it's interesting.
But they thought they were too busy to open the newsletter, so they didn't read it.
This means that they have rejected the “offer” to open it.

The key to an offer is the echo of the offer.
Echo is the words that come back to you.
When you make an offer, you get an echo of “no”.
If you get an echo of “no,” it means that your offer was rejected.
Even if you get an echo of “no,” your trust balance has been consumed.

So, like I said before.
You sent out a newsletter, but it was not read. In other words, you got an echo of “no”.

If your newsletter is not read again and again, you will get echoes of “no” again and again.

If they don't get read, you've lost your trust balance.
A trust balance is a savings account of trust.

If you want to earn $100, you need to have a trust balance equivalent to $100 or more.

To put it simply.
You will be paid $100 when your trust balance of $100 or more is converted into cash.

So, if you want to sell a $100 product, without to have a trust balance of $100 or more, your sales will be unacceptable.
You will get an echo of “no”.

And since that would consume even more of your trust balance.

The key is how to make the right offer and get an echo of “yes” back.
Because if you make the offer, “Listen to this voice message,” and you don't get heard, your trust balance is wasted.

If you get an echo of “yes,” it means they listened to it .
What did they think as a result of listening to it?
If they feel very good after listening to it, your trust balance will increase.

In other words, when does the trust balance increase?
They echoed “yes” to the offer, and something good happened.
So, the trust balance of the person who made the offer increases.
At the same time, they will continue to be aware of the need to echo ‟yes” in the future.

How, therefore.
Do they think that they can say “yes” to this person's offer?
That is the size of your trust balance.

If you try to sell a high-priced product from the very first email newsletter, you will almost certainly not sell it.

The more expensive the product, the higher the hurdle, right?
The higher the hurdle, the more the trust balance is consumed.
This means that if you suddenly try to sell a high-priced product to someone who just signed up for your newsletter, your trust balance to zero.
And suddenly, they stop reading.

This is the reason why you need to start by accumulating a trust balance instead of selling.
You need to build up your trust balance first, and then sell using what you have built up.

You have to have the feeling that you can use the trust balance you've accumulated and cash it in.

Save your trust balance first.
Then use that trust savings to redeem the money you have saved.
That is the correct order.

A trust balance is consumed for every offer.
It is consumed even if you get a “no” echo.
Even if you get an echo of “yes,” if they read it and didn't find it interesting at all.
“I listened to the audio, but it wasn't any good. It was boring.”
“Oh, it was a mistake to echo yes.”
Then your trust balance would be reduced.
They would think to say no next time.

The criteria for increasing or decreasing your trust balance is simple.
Whether or not they are willing to echo yes next time.

Even if they echo yes, they may not be able to say yes again.
Even if they return a yes echo, if the echo is judged to be a mistake, your trust balance will decrease next time.
You have to be aware of this.
So you are aware of this and use your trust balance every time.

For example, if you post a link, it means that you are making an offer to click on it.
If they don't click on the link, your trust balance is reduced.

And if you give away a gift in the first newsletter, you can only earn trust balance up to the point where you give it away.
So, you need to know how to build up your trust balance before you get people to click.
That's what you need to do.

And then you use the trust balance you've built up, you make the first offer, and you have to close the deal.
You need to get a resounding “yes”.

The first offer is, I think it's a good idea to send a free gift and ask people to send in their feedback.

There are six levels of trust balance.
You should aim for 1 to 6.
I'll explain it to you.

In order of lowest trust balance, lowest credit rating,
1.People who won't buy unless you talk to them directly.
2. If you talk to them once, they will buy from you later.
3. Even if you don't talk to them directly, they'll buy from you through e-mail exchanges, but you need to respond to them sooner or later.
4. People who will buy from you through e-mail exchanges without talking to me directly, and you don't need to respond to them.
In other words, people who will buy from you if you share your values and sell to them through your newsletter.
5. No need for education.
People who will buy with just an offer without doing anything.
Normally, this is the maximum trust balance.

6. People who buy without an offer. People who buy even if they don't read the sales letter.
They don't care what the product is, as long as it's sold by this person, they'll buy it.
This is the exception, because they are already believers.

So, with no initial trust balance, I think it's better to talk a lot.
If not, you can exchange e-mails a lot.
I think it would be good if you could accumulate a trust balance of that amount.

You can build up a good amount of trust balance with just one email exchange.
In an e-mail magazine, you ask your readers to send you an e-mail, and then you reply to them.
You can earn a good amount of trust balance just by doing that.

The ideal situation is to be able to build up a good trust balance just by sending mail magazines, and to be able to make sales with that.

That's what you should aim for in the end.
But first of all, you have to recognize that there is a small offer even from the first mail, and you have to make it attractive with the intention of selling it properly.

For example, when you distribute an audio in your e-mail newsletter, you need to think that even if the audio is 30 minutes long, people will never listen to the whole thing.

“How can I get people to listen to the whole thing?”
“How can I convey the appeal of this?”
You have to think about these things properly.

Don't be lazy about it.
“It's free, so of course they read it.”
or “It's free, so of course they'll watch it.”
Don't think like that.

“The reader will never read this.”
“This person will never listen.”
That is the premise on which you write. Make an offer.
That kind of awareness is important.
Otherwise, the offer will not be accepted.

That's why, so every time you write, just remember this.
<Slogan> + <Story> + <Offer>

Once you get used to it, you'll be able to write like that naturally, even if you forget it.
It's better to make one offer every time.
It's better to offer something.
For example, you can ask for feedback on your e-mail magazine.

Once you get used to it, you can make an offer, but it doesn't sound like an offer.
For example, you can use social proof like, “I'm getting lots of replies.”
So they think, ‟Then I'll send one too.”
This is an offer that uses a “Hidden Message”. It sounds natural.
In this case, the level is a little bit higher.

In this case, the level is actually a bit higher.

It's like, “I'm getting lots of replies.”
This is an offer without having to say, “Please do something.”

In this case, even if you get an echo of “no,” your trust balance will not be consumed.

Because you haven't made an offer.
Or rather, because they are not aware of the offer.
So the person who replies “no” doesn't have the feeling of rejecting the offer.
So this is the ideal way. It's a natural offer.

The person who echoes back “yes” will have your trust balance built up.
Even if the person echoes back with a no, your trust balance will not decrease.

The stronger the compulsion of the offer, the more your trust balance will be consumed.

For example, “Read it! and reply!”
Or, “If you don't buy this, your life is over! “
And so on.
This will consume your trust balance to the fullest extent.

Even if the coercion is strong, if they are really happy after buying it, your trust balance will increase.
In a sense, it's like betting on leverage.

The more powerful your offer, the more your trust balance will be consumed.
But if you can actually provide them with better content than that, it will pay you back in a big way.

You can bet on leverage.
In a sense, it's like investing your trust balance.
It's better not to make a strong offer for everything.
If you feel that this is not something that everyone needs, you should dare to make a modest sale.

If you say, “Please buy all of these,” every time, your trust balance will be wasted.

For example, if you were to sell a consulting service for $500.
You can't sell that much, right?

Even though it doesn't sell that much.
If you say,
“If you don't participate in this, you'll never be successful!”
That's a strong offer, isn't it?
If they turn it down, your trust balance will drop drastically.
Because they said “no” to you.

This is not limited to email newsletters.
It's also the case when you say to a friend, “I'm really asking you for a once-in-a-lifetime favor, please help me.”
It's a powerful offer.

If you turn it down, you lose your trust balance, right?
That's how it feels.
The relationship will deteriorate.

The more powerful the offer, the more likely it is that you will be rejected, and the lower your trust balance will be.

Now that you know what a trust balance is.

So, I think it's a good idea to keep this in mind as you go about your business.
If you do business with this sense, you will be able to invest in your trust balance, or rather, manage it.
You can think of it as an investment in how you can increase it.

Leverage betting, just now that it's your time to leverage betting.
That kind of intuition comes to the fore.
If you hone your intuition, your business sense will improve.

So, in this way.
It's good to use a set of
<slogan>+<story>, +<offer>.
The slogan attracts the reader. Make the reader want to read it.
Then use the story to create some kind of paradigm shift in the reader.
Finally, make some kind of offer.
“I want you to do this today.”
“I want you to practice these things today.” “I want you to think about these things from now on.”
This is also an offer.
So, it can be anything.

In that way, the offer, you are going to make an offer that will get an echo of “yes”.
Make a series of small offers.

If you get a lot of yeses...
Well, it's often called “yes set” in psychology.

If they say yes to you...
“Yes, yes, yes."...
Before you know it, all you get back is yes.
It's a technique that is often used in love.

Make an offer that will get an echo of “yes”.
Make an offer that is attractive.
The same offer can be a yes or a no depending on how you present it.

This is how you build up your trust balance.
When you've accumulated a lot of trust balance, you can make more powerful offers.
When you have accumulated a lot of trust balance, you can use it all at once and bet on leverage.

You can make money with it, and you can build up your trust balance with it.
That's how you keep adding more and more.

Trust balances translate into money, for example.
It can also take the form of referrals.

For example, if you have a trust balance of $100, and someone buys a $50 product from you, you still have $50 left in your trust balance.
That makes them say, “This guy's product was great, I'll introduce him to everyone I know.
They feel like introducing it to someone else.
With the remaining $50 trust balance.
And so on.

Why do you think that happens?
Because they are getting back more than what they paid for.
The difference in the trust balance is used in the form of referrals.
In this way, it changes into various forms.

They can say, “I'll introduce this person's product.”
Or, “Let's buy the next product.”
As your trust balance increases, you will be able to make various offers.

One thing to keep in mind.
Basically, the trust balance will decrease if you leave it alone.
If you leave it alone, it will decrease.

This means that there is an expiration date.
If you don't use it much, it will disappear.
It is better to use it regularly.
Or rather, rotate it.

That is, when you are writing a regular newsletter.
“Please be aware of these things from today.”
That's fine.

Just by doing that, your trust balance is being used.
It is used by the offer, the reader will say, “Oh, good.”, it can be saved again.
That's how it works.
I think it's necessary to clean it periodically.
I think that is necessary.

With this in mind.
Build a relationship with your readers.
Build up a balance of trust.

You should think usually about how to increase the trust balance with your readers.
You can do that all the time.

I'm sure you've come to understand it better now.
It's just a matter of being a little more aware of these things in the future.
I want you to be aware of this structure first.

You can think about the other techniques later.

At any rate, just by mastering this thoroughly, your writing skills will improve considerably.

At first, just be aware of this.
Just think about what I just said.

First of all, you need to master this thoroughly.
I think you can learn more and more in depth from there.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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