
How to make $1,000,000 with just one sales letter.

Do you know that there is a way to make $1,000,000 a year with just one computer?

"The God Writing Technique" has helped make $1,000,000 with just one sales letter.
And it can help you in sales, in business, in life, in everything.

There were Japanese people who have made $1,000,000 a year by teaching this method.
In addition, many Japanese who have learned "God Writing " have been able to incorporate it into their own businesses and make $1,000,000 a year.

"The God Writing Technique” is a neuroscientific development of so-called storytelling.
For the first time, I am going to share this method in English translation.

Now you have to choose between losing $100 in the immediate future and losing $1,000,000 in the future.

"That's ridiculous!" you may think, but if you read this letter to the end, you will understand.
Would you like to be the first successful person to master this method in your country?
What I'm about to share with you is the most important secret to success in business in the future.

I hope you'll read it again and again, because it's very important.
The secret to creating an explosive hit product is available for free.

Achieve overwhelming results will be in your industry.

Many people have learned this method in various genres: 
business, romance, investor, language, beauty, online store owner, doctor, dentist, lawyer, therapist, musician, bodyworker, programmer, announcer, cartoonist, politician, actress, fortune teller, pharmacist, university professor, chef, etc.

And many of them say,
" Just by learning this method and creating a story, my sales have multiplied several times over and I'm getting even better customers."

Many people have been able to experience this miracle.
Just by creating one story, you can increase your income tenfold.
Such a thing can happen in reality.

Your sales will increase, and you will attract good customers.
Using this method, you will never have trouble attracting customers or sales again.

For example, when one person created his first community, he sold $20,000 worth of educational materials.
Using this method, without using any advertising, made a profit of $100,000 on the first day of sales, selling only to newsletter readers.
Also, 1,000 people attended a seminar that cost over $1,000.
That alone is $1,000,000.

That's nearly $1,000,000 in profit from by one email sent to a few hundred people.
 And many of them said they wanted to participate again.

You may be wondering,
"How can I get such incredible results?"

I'm about to reveal the secret.

The reason why I'm revealing it is because I want more people to know the appeal of online business.

And there is something I really want to do through this activity.

It's that all the industries on this planet will do educational business.

If all industries were to be turned into education businesses, the industries would be more active and the people's lives would be more prosperous.

In order to realize that world, we need a story.

I tell you this, to let you know that those who have the "story" at their disposal will be very successful.

"Story" for selling things have been studied by many people over the years and have been made into templates.
So, if you follow that template, you will get some results.

But, the question is,
"Will it really satisfy the customer?"
"Will it really build a good relationship with the customer?"

No, it doesn't.

If you use common marketing methods, the more you sell, the more the quality of your customers declines.

Most of the copywriting materials are specialized in "sales" which means that their story are different before and after the sale.

As a result.
"You can sell something, but you can't build a community."
"You offer a good product, but people don't become repeat customers."
This is what happens.

To put it bluntly, the more copywriting techniques you use, the more questionable your writing becomes.

In the past, Japanese businesses were built by studying foreign marketing. But now it is different.
In this field, Japanese business is at the cutting edge.

The reason is that the future is the age of the business of ”building communities”.

If you know how to do it right, you can easily create a community.
And this is the secret that has kept many of our products selling.

"How can you make a big hit?"
The answer lies in "planning".

All industries can grow by doing education business.

For example, let me explain the case of "doctors".
In the future, when medicine is so advanced that any disease can be cured immediately, will there be no more doctors as a profession?

The answer is no.

When such an era comes, the role of doctors will change.

They will be in the business of advising their customers on how to stay healthy and beautiful without getting sick.

In other words, the target will change from "people who are sick (patients)" to "people before they get sick (customers)".

This can be said for all industries.
All industries will change their business to helping people to lead a better and happier life.

"I'm giving a lecture at a university for medical school, and I want to give a good lesson to the students, so I want to create contents."
"I'm a director of a veterinary clinic, and I want to create a system to increase customer satisfaction."

Nowadays, these people are learning online business.
Now, people who have learned Internet business properly can teach it to doctors, politicians, presidents of large companies, and people in all industries.

The Essence of Internet Business.

The essence of online business is "story writing".
The skill of creating value, communicating value, and educating through a written story.
That is "story writing".
And the one that elevates "story writing" to the realm of the divine is "God Writing".

People who can use story can easily sell products.
People who know how to use story can increase the value of their products.
People who can use story can also educate others.

The famous Steve Jobs was a master of story.
Of course, successive U.S. presidents have also used story to win the hearts and minds of many people.

People who can manipulate story freely will be able to work in any industry.
They can also generate tremendous amounts of money.

For example, let's say a company's sales are $100,000 a year, and by helping them create a story, they succeed in increasing their sales to $500,000.
(A five-fold increase is an unthinkable figure, but when combined with an online business, it becomes quite possible.)
At that time, even if you get, say, 30%, the client is left with $350,000.
They get 3.5 times their annual income, and you get $150,000.
This is what actually happened.
This is an extreme example, but it's possible in this world.

Your whole life becomes a story.

As you learn God Writing, you will experience that your everyday life is becoming a story.
Every scene in your life becomes a story and creates value.

You will be able to meet attractive people.
You will be able to overcome difficulties and hardships.
You will be supported and loved by everyone.
You will become the hero of your own story.

Many people in the world are not the hero of their own story.
They are just a supporting character in someone else's story.

But if you learn to "God Writing", you will know what your story is, and you will know how to act to make that story the best it can be.

There are many "story patterns" in the world, but none of them have elucidated life until now.
But this time, I was able to complete the "How to turn your life into a very fascinating story."

This is a project that teaches how to create the right story.

If you're thinking,
"I can't succeed in business."
"I'm already successful, but I'm not building a good relationship with my customers."
"I can't get them to become repeat customers."

If you have any of these problems, "God Writing" is the first thing you need to learn.
It's a story to get people to join you, to become your friends, to grow with you, and to want to spend their lives with you.

Until now, no one has taught how to create this kind of story.
Many people said, "I don't know how to use it in my case."
Even if you learn a lot about "story", it's no use if you can't write anything in the auto-reply mail of your newsletter.

So, this time, I created a systematic planning that even beginners can use and learn what to write.

For example,
"How do you attract customers?"
"How do you sell something when you have something to sell?"

Whether you are attracting customers, building a fan base, or making a sale, the key is all about the story.

A good story is one that is universal and can be applied to any genre.

I often hear people say to me
"I don't know why but it makes me want to buy it!"
"I don't know why but it makes me want to read the rest of it!"

I've studied "story" and discovered something important that I've never seen before.
So this time, I will teach you how to write "special story".

It is a story that can sell anything.
It is a story that moves people's emotions.
It is a story that makes people take action.
It is a story that makes people want to read it.

Specifically, you can learn the following.
How to become a master salesman.
How to turn people who had no interest in you into fans.
How to use the power of place to increase your fan base and improve your self-image.
How to write a sales letter that gets people to like you.
How to make people compelled to buy.
How to become the hero of your own story and accelerate your business.
How to write an attractive profile.
How to sell explosively on the first day of sales.
How to master catchphrases and use them freely.
How to get results that far exceed your own abilities.
How to write valuable and interesting sentences.
How to find the source of your energy.
How to rewrite negative memories.
How to turn everything in your life into content.
How to make people you hate love you.
How to create happy thoughts when bad things happen.
How to create a system that drastically reduces the number of complaints.
How to create a system that will keep your trust balance high forever.
How to create the ultimate offer.
How to get people to buy without reading your sales letter.
How to double the value of your free content.
Why more than 80% of email newsletters are only read on the first mail.

About the price

The seminar was priced at $5,000 in Japan.
This is the first time I'm releasing the essence of the seminar in English to share this amazing story with the world.

As you can see from this information letter, there are some parts that are difficult to understand when translated into English.

For this reason, we have decided to release what was originally worth $5000 for $500.
In order to sell on "note", the price has been further reduced to $100 for system reasons.
This is an unbelievable price.

An emotional finale to your life!

After watching a great movie, you linger in the aftermath.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if your life became such a story?

Once you've mastered "God Writing," you will be able to think,
"My life is such a wonderful story".
Moreover, just by telling your story, you will gain more and more fans, and they will buy your products one after another.

"God Writing" can be applied not only to business, but also to love, marital relationships, child rearing, and many other situations.

You may wonder if such a thing is really possible.
Think you've been tricked and take the first step with courage.
When you do, you will love yourself, the main character of your own story, just as you would become a fan of the main character of your favorite movie.
You will feel a complete change in the world you are looking at, and I hope you enjoy it.

I desire that your life is an inspiring finale!



¥ 10,000

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