
What is free fire? Guide newbies to play Free Fire

What is free fire? A guide to newcomers Free Fire, mobile battle royale games, developed and published by Garena Studios.

What is free fire?

Garena Free Fire (also known as Free Fire Battlegrounds or Free Fire) is a mobile battle royale game, developed and published by Garena Studios.


The beta version of Free Fire was released on November 20, 2017 for Android and was officially launched on December 4, 2017 for Android and iOS. Free Fire surpassed 500 million downloads on Google Play by 2020, becoming one of the most popular survival shooting games on mobile.

The game consists of up to 50 players parachuting onto an island to search for weapons and equipment to attack and kill other players. Players can freely choose the starting position, take weapons and supplies to prolong the fight.

Free Fire game has a lightweight configuration, compatible with most devices on the market today. To play Free Fire, you should have a phone with RAM of 1.5 GB or more to play the smoothest (for iOS, it is from iPhone 5S and above).

Guide newbies to play Free Fire

Before starting to play Free Fire, you must register an account. Can register via facebook account, then your facebok account will be associated with the game and select the character registration. Sign up for a guest account, just click on the person icon to register a character and play. You can also register for a VK account of your choice and register as a model to play.

* Note: The character name has no spaces and the same name.

Next is the game, start playing

Find a Battle: Solo (playing alone), you will have to fight a lot of other people alone

Team: Where you can be with friends everywhere or automatically pair with other players

The modes of play in team Duo (play team of 2 people) and Squad (play team of 4 people).

In Duo & Squad mode, when defeated, you can be revived thanks to one of your teammates, not "die" as in Solo. A game will allow 50 people to fight, if Duo or Squad will be divided according to the number of corresponding teams.

After the match, you will be taken to an island and have 60 seconds to wait for other players and get acquainted with FF before boarding the plane to the main island - where the battle for survival takes place.

After boarding, gamers will choose the position that they feel excited to parachute down. You can turn on the larger map to observe the aircraft position on the island map to select the jumping location. FF will draw a line indicating the direction the aircraft moves to make it easier for gamers to locate.

Play Free fire on PC with Gameloop Emulator

Play Garena Free fire for Windows on Tencent Emulator in Gameloop.Mobi , software emulator best.

Link: https://gamehoy.com/free-fire-for-pc/


Please note that it is important to select the drop point in the area because there will be an area with many high-end equipment that bring many early game advantages such as the Mill and Hanga, but with that, the danger is also very high. when there are many players will focus on here, in contrast to the less equipped areas, the risk is less, but you must try to move to loot items.

After leaving the plane and landing on the ground, now all of you will begin the battle for survival. Gamers will go loot map and try to become the last survivor.

Some points to note when playing Free Fire:

+ After landing, you should immediately move and start looting items. Weapons are the first thing to look for.

+ After obtaining the gun, if in the position where you have a partner, try to destroy the enemy first and then continue to loot. Because otherwise the enemy will loot and then both will have items now destroy each other will be more difficult.

+ When there are no items that can use fists to kill the enemy.

+ To pick up lots of items, you need a backpack. Backpacks are divided into levels 1-2-3. The capacity will be displayed on the left on the medical box with the backpack icon showing the percentage of capacity used.

+ Similarly caps and armor also have levels 1-2-3. Hats and armor will help you reduce the damage from guns.

+ Barrel, handle and ammunition in tier 1 - 2 - 3 will be very useful to make your weapons stronger, more stable, so if you have the opportunity to change to better accessories, please take advantage!

+ To move faster during the BO run, you can click the person running icon on the left side of the screen to speed up and find vehicles like cars.

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