Druid in Diablo 4

I heard something about collecting monster parts for some sort of shrine or ritual, dedicated to various animals, that increase stats. What if instead of a stat boost alone, you could choose an animal you became that were-creature apposed to the quick change ability transformations.

Maybe you could have two at once. IE: If you pray to wolf and bear, you can swap between the two having a change in stats. Using bear for tanky situations and wolf for agility dps type situations. Maybe it could be like ESOs weapon swap where you get a line of skills for both weapon bars. Or maybe just the main attack could switch. I think the ability to switch could have cooldown or no cd. It would provide more fluidity than just being locked into one transformation. For nature magic they could increase dps or tankiness as well but leave you in human form. I just really prefer static werecreature transformations XD.

I know that's how it is, but it shouldn't be hard to change considering there is gear that allows you to stay transformed allegedly. I'd rather it be unlocked through a quest of some kind than by hoping RNG drops the gear you need for the transformation. (I'm playing the class despite the fact they won't change this.)

I was trying to think of a way to make the Druids class mechanic less boring. I saw a post complaining about it bc it was too boring in beta. They said to unlock the passive, you had to run collection quests and make more Diablo IV Gold.

I figured instead of fetch quests, they might be able to do side story quests that would be like a flashback. It would change depending on the spirit you chose and show how you became a werewolf, were bear, elemental, fawn, etc.
