
Aから読むKent:Ailanthus Glandulosaクイズ


What characterizes the sickness in which Ailanthus Glandulosa is especially suitable?

A) High energy and rapid healing
B) Severe pain in joints and muscles
C) Mental agitation and extreme sensitivity
D) Low zymotic forms of sickness with capillary congestion in spots

答え:D) Low zymotic forms of sickness with capillary congestion in spots

"Generalities: This medicine is especially suitable in the low zymotic forms of sickness, such as we find in diphtheria and scarlet fever, in blood poisoning and in symptomatic typhoids, especially those cases that are characterized by capillary congestion in spots, red mottled spots."

解説:The answer D) is correct because it directly references the described characteristics of the disease in which Ailanthus Glandulosa is most suitable. Answers A), B), and C) are incorrect as they do not match the description of the ailment provided in the materia medica. Understanding the specific symptoms and conditions associated with a remedy is crucial in homeopathic studies.


Which symptom often accompanies the state of sickness suitable for Ailanthus Glandulosa?

A) High fever and rapid heart rate
B) Constant forgetfulness and semi-conscious state
C) Uncontrollable laughter and mood swings
D) Intense itching and skin irritation

答え:B) Constant forgetfulness and semi-conscious state

"Mind: The mental symptoms accompanying this state are interesting. ... Constant forgetfulness. All past events are forgotten. ... is as if in a semi-conscious state, and finally he goes into complete unconsciousness."

解説:Option B) is correct as it directly references the mental symptoms often accompanying the state of illness where Ailanthus Glandulosa is indicated. The other options are incorrect because they do not align with the symptoms provided in the materia medica. Noting accompanying symptoms, especially mental ones, aids in distinguishing the correct remedy.


What distinct skin manifestation does Ailanthus Glandulosa present in cases of malignant scarlet fever?

A) Bright red, smooth and shiny skin
B) Greenish skin with yellow spots
C) Red spots, roseola-like, instead of a regular rash
D) Intense itching and skin peeling

答え: C) Red spots, roseola-like, instead of a regular rash

”Scarlet: Perhaps the most striking manifestation of such a low type of sickness is malignant scarlet fever. The regular rash does not come out, but in its place red spots, roseola-like, make their appearance.”

解説:Answer C) is correct because it is a unique symptom noted in cases of malignant scarlet fever treated with Ailanthus Glandulosa. The other options are incorrect as they do not match the materia medica. Recognizing unique symptoms associated with specific diseases for a remedy aids in accurate prescription.




